The Best of GRReporter
flag_bg flag_gr flag_gb becomes an associate member of the Bulgarian Web Association

We are ready with specific proposals.
vesela.dinolova | 15:12 | 20 Dec 12

We are being interviewed:

An interview of Maria S. Topalova for the website
mihaela | 14:12 | 14 Dec 11

Greece makes its living on EU money – that is why it does not search a way out of the crisis!

In its latest issue, the magazine Bulgarians in Austria published an article by the Executive Director of GRReporter Maria S. Topalova.
mihaela | 13:09 | 12 Sep 11

Comments and Facebook connect

An opportunity to enter our site through your Facebook account and a new system for comments.
rosy | 11:02 | 06 Feb 11

Reporters during riots

Social unrest in Greece does not subside and is often accompanied by massive street riots. The world learns about them from us, the reporters, who breathe tear gas, stoop to avoid the next flying stone, pass by burning trash bins. What does it mean to be a reporter during riots – here are our team’s impressions.
mihaela | 10:01 | 27 Jan 11

News from Bulgaria: Ειδήσεις από Βουλγαρία



Finally, with a hand on my heart I can say that communication is two way: we released web site with news from Bulgaria in the Greek language. This was one of our main desires, to present variety of good quality news from Bulgaria to the Greek audience.

rosy | 07:04 | 25 Apr 10

YouTube GRReporter channel

You can now watch us in YouTube
rosy | 07:04 | 25 Apr 10

Change in the model?

The world network, quite deservedly, won the fame of the information environment, which enables the free exchange of ideas. Starting with the opening of the media and providing free content, go to interactivity between the site and the users and ending with the transforming of each user into a source of information.

rosy | 07:04 | 25 Apr 10

We are being interviewed: Maria S. Topalova facing News Books

Director of GRReporter Maria S. Topalova gave an interview for the website

rosy | 19:01 | 09 Jan 10

The first GRR baby

On 10.11.2009 was born the second child of our dear colleague Ivan Ivanov and his wife Yana
rosy | 19:01 | 09 Jan 10