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33 cadets infected with the new H1N1

10 August 2009 / 12:08:00  GRReporter
3389 reads

33 cadets on a ship from the Greek navy got infected with the new swine flu. The sailors developed the infection during training activities on "Prometheus" ship. Their condition has been confirmed in the naval hospital of Crete. The cadets' condition is stable and they are being treated according to the Ministry of Health's fixed routine. The rest of the crew is keeping up with their duties since no threat of spreading the infection has been established.

Meanwhile, Greek doctors announce improvement in the condition of five people, as well as a 16-year girl, an English tourist, who is already breathing on her own after a severe pneumonia. The girl's condition is improving and doctors hope that she will be soon signed out. At the end of the previous week the Ministry of Health removed the moratorium on flu-medicines but set strict rules about their selling- only with a doctor's prescription and with serious symptoms present.

Currently, the medicines cannot be found in Athens pharmacies. They are expected no earlier than September, when the decision of the World Health Organization will become active. Despite that, the new virus creates stress among the citizens- the country is running out of numbers of vaccines that have no preventing qualities against the H1N1 virus. The face masks have also been almost depleted, despite that no one is wearing such in public places except some foreign tourists, mainly from Asia.

In Greece over 1000 cases have been reported but, following the advice of the World Health Organization, exact statistics are not announced. Except some cases that have developed complications, all patients have been healed.

Diliyana Ivanova


Tags: Swine flu cadets infected H1N1 Health
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