I will now describe how April will affect the various sectors of the zodiac, what topics it will provoke and what type of events you can expect. I will make a brief analysis of all of them. Find your date of birth in the descriptions below.
29 December - 9 January
April will bring new things associated with important life changes, joint property, inheritances, banks. You will face a challenge. You can expect a lot of dynamics and activities, different initiatives related to relatives, business ventures, dealing with competition. The end of the month will be particularly tense and will bring an important event related to your work. You can expect favourable events in your private life in the second half of the month.
10 January - 22 January
April will bring new things associated with your relationships with others and mostly with personal and professional partnerships. There will be dynamics and activities, and various initiatives related to material and financial matters, personal property and acquisitions. The end of the month will bring an important event related to your friends, patrons and benefactors. You should prepare for some type of disturbance. You can expect difficulties and problems in your private life in the second half of the month.
23 January - 4 February
April will bring new things related to your daily responsibilities and commitments, health habits, as well as to the need to overcome a difficult situation. There will be dynamics and activities, and various initiatives related to the making of a new start and the introduction of some personal improvements. Be careful what you will start. The end of the month will bring many positive developments associated with your home and family. Your personal and love life will be particularly satisfactory.
5 February - 17 February
April will bring new things related to your home, family and children. There will be activities and initiatives with respect to your personal progress, social circle and friends. Probably you will meet important people who will be useful for your future. The end of the month will be quite challenging for you and you may have to take an important decision or go through an inevitable twist in life. Your personal and love life will be in a phase of rivalry, thus bringing anxiety to you.
18 February - 3 March
April will bring new things associated with close relatives, brothers/sisters, as well as with personal business ventures. There will be activities and initiatives related to your career, relationships with superiors and important figures, or with government and administrative offices. The focus at the end of the month will be on financial and material matters, some acquisitions and on your personal resources. Your personal and love life will be smooth and satisfactory.
4 March - 16 March
April will bring new things related to financial and material matters, acquisitions and your personal resources. There will be activities and initiatives associated with joint property, loans, and inheritances or with going through some major crossroads in life. The focus at the end of the month will be on your work, personal productivity and professional image. Your personal and love life will bring a fresh start to you.
17 March - 30 March
April will bring new things related personally to you in terms of health, appearance, personal image. Try to start something you have been wanting to start for a long time as now is the best time. There will be activities and initiatives related to your social contacts and to the people on whom you rely. The focus at the end of the month will be on friends, patrons and benefactors, personal intentions and goals. Your personal life will be in a transitional phase and you will meet new people.
31 March - 12 April
April will bring new things relating to the completion of a phase of life, a project or some type of relationship. There will be a kind of liberation. There will be activities and initiatives related to your daily and household responsibilities, to the overcoming of obstacles. The focus at the end of the month will be on your career, relationships with superiors and important figures, or with government and administrative offices. Your personal life will be smooth, you will get assurances of loyalty from a loved one.
13 April - 26 April
April will bring new things related to your career development, relationships with superiors and important figures, or with government and administrative offices. There will be activities and initiatives related to your home, family and children. The end of the month will bring tension and restlessness, focusing on passing through some crossroads in life. Your personal and love life will be at a low stage, facing problems and lacking peace.
27 April - 10 May