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Chance, this great invention of the Universe

07 July 2012 / 15:07:29  GRReporter
5446 reads


One of the greatest "inventions" of the universe, in which we live, is chance. Its other name is luck. We always think of luck in life as something that is not subject to any laws. We believe this it is a strange and illogical turn of events, people and events through which luck comes to us.

Yet it is a meeting at a convenient point in time where we will manifest some of our resources - professional, physical, intellectual, emotional, reproductive, creative. We simply cannot understand all the factors that make something possible and feasible. Also, we cannot understand them, because some of them occur and are completely out of our control. For example, you are applying for a high professional position and "luckily" for you, the other candidate, who is better than you gets stuck in traffic and misses his interview. But while he is in traffic, he notices a simple ad that leads him to his luck.

In today's article I will discuss the issue of luck in life. What kind it is – bigger or smaller and in what areas of life we find it. I will also give you brief information about the different zodiac signs.

According to me everyone has their luck in certain areas. Every one of us has luck. There is a lot of luck and a bit of luck, which come in different areas of our life. We are unequal in terms of luck - we get it in different quantities and in different endeavours. This fact holds a lovely logic relating to the maintenance of balance in the global human society and the Universe.

So far, in the various articles I have written I have mentioned Jupiter several times and the importance of this planet in the development of the human world, society as a whole and its importance as a driving force of humans as a whole. Now, I want to mention that Jupiter is a planet in our solar system (and all other planets as well), which does not exercise any real influence on us. Planets do not make us do anything. Planets are symbols. They are the language through which we receive information about the conditions, in which we are placed. They show our internal motivation at a certain point in time. They "translate" for us, what we intend to do.

In astrology, Jupiter is the planet that fulfills everything we need and without us even looking for it. It is that pleasant timing, during which the whole universe helps us and guides us to those accidents, called luck. Now, I would like you to properly understand the principle of Jupiter. In every horoscope chart, Jupiter will be in one of the twelve zodiac signs. In some of them Jupiter’s position may be more favourable and in others not so much. And due to differences in circumstances in which Jupiter "lives" in your horoscope, some of you have greater luck and others not so much. For example, if your birth chart shows that Jupiter is in Sagittarius, this indicates a much stronger connection with the natural flow and thanks to that you will enjoy better luck and happy coincidences in life. But if Jupiter is in Gemini, luck occurs more often in a reversed way - those situations where the loss of something eventually turns to bring pure luck.

Briefly, the main indicators of where, how much and what our luck will be, are Jupiter and the 9th house in the horoscope chart, which reflects the principle of Jupiter. How the 9th house influences us is determined by the planet, which rules it and its position. Since this is a complex procedure, I will pay attention only to Jupiter and the life areas it is connected with based on the Sun sign and the ascendant. Read the information about the zodiac sign under which you were born, and also the Ascendant sign, if you know it. Note that the information about your Ascendant is of greater importance.

Ascendant or Sun in the sign Aries

Luck comes to you through the father figure, teachers and people who you perceive as teachers. Distant cultures, travel and foreigners. Jupiter is the ruler of the 9th house, which is directly associated with luck in life and even losses you encounter (which often turn into profits). You are one of the people who are strongly connected with nature and that makes you "pets" of fate.

Ascendant or Sun in the sign Taurus

Luck comes to you in a rather unusual form - through difficulties in life, problems, disruptions, accidents, even death. But also in terms of inheritance and the ability to use someone else’s resources. Quite often you fall into particularly problematic situations, from which you finally emerge with full hands, as you are able to take advantage of the misfortunes in life. You have the ability to cope with difficulties and this is why people generously reward you. You know that there are many difficult periods in life, which people do not want to face. For you, precisely those moments are a source of luck and prosperity.

Ascendant or Sun in the sign Gemini

Luck comes to you through business partners or your spouse. And also through your environment, in which there is always someone to help you. This is why if you own a business, generally you enjoy very good and stable clientele. You are lucky enough to find the right people at the right time, especially in terms of contacts and connections. Jupiter gives you plenty of suitable situations, in which you can achieve success through partnerships - business or marriage.

Ascendant or Sun in the sign Cancer

Luck comes to you through litigation, legislation, situations of struggle and resistance, liabilities (loans, rents, debts). Also through enemies in your life - people for whom you feel inner intolerance. Often one of them may “fall” into a problematic situation and "luckily" for you this may bring you some benefit. Diseases are also a kind of an enemy in life and somehow you have special luck when it comes to them.

Ascendant or Sun in the sign Leo

Luck comes to you through your personal abilities to create. Children are part of your creative nature and also a source of luck, though your desire to create them together with your physical resources, sometimes greatly reduces your physical powers. Luck also comes through more speculative events, places and ways to entertain people, students, arts and people of the arts.

Ascendant or Sun in the sign Virgo

Luck comes to you through the mother, through the home, your home country and real estate. You have the luck to find yourself in the right place, especially when it comes to properties and residence. Jupiter gives you plenty of suitable opportunities to find inner stability and happiness through people with whom you connect and through the places where you create a home and let your roots grow.

Ascendant or Sun in the sign Libra

Luck comes to you through brothers, sisters, neighbours and close relatives. Through short trips and means of information exchange. The more informed you are, the closer you are to the lucky coincidences. And also through your personal ability to take risks and your ability to "hear" only the things that suit you best. It is typical for you to express "deafness" throughout most of your life and not to take advice from anyone. But you have the luck to hear exactly what you need.

Ascendant or Sun in the sign Scorpio

Luck comes to you through your personal resources, through what you have in various forms - physical, emotional, mental, intellectual. For you it is most typical to have luck as to how to satisfy your immediate necessities in life. You have luck, even in the most difficult material circumstances and you can find a way to get out. The more you have, the more luck you have in these areas. "Money goes where money is," say the elderly. They must have said it for you.

Ascendant or Sun in the sign Sagittarius

Luck for you is directly dependent on your physical condition, on how you look, how your body and spirit feel. Following this thought, you have the luck to enjoy good health, vitality and endurance. You are the only representative in the entire zodiac, whose fortune is primarily a product of your attitude towards what surrounds you. It is typical that you can be the two extremes - deprived of all good luck in your life, colliding constantly with all sorts of problems, or at every turn you encounter a lucky situation and you are always protected from the universe. The latter greatly depends on the position and condition of Jupiter in your individual horoscope.

Ascendant or Sun in the sign Capricorn

Luck comes to you through the vices and weaknesses of people, through distant lands and your living away from home. This sounds a little strange when it is said for the most conservative sign in the Zodiac - to have luck through the ways and things that are defined vicious by the society. But it is strange only until you understand that power, money and sex are one of the greatest vices and weaknesses of people. Sometimes luck comes to you when you're far from home and your home country. Sometimes you may lose something, but your losses are converted into long-term investments that will come back to you later in another form.

Ascendant or Sun in the sign Aquarius

Luck comes to you mostly through older relatives or the partners of your children. And also friends, patrons and sponsors. You have an innate ability to find them so that they can give you a hand at the right time. Being self-centred, brilliant egotism and individualism are the things that bring you luck. You're lucky to be the ones for whom this holds true.

Ascendant or Sun in the sign Pisces

Luck comes to you through bosses, authoritative personalities, people with a status and government offices. You are lucky enough to find the right people at the right time, especially with regards to public and professional fulfillment. Jupiter gives you plenty of suitable opportunities to achieve success in your professional and career aspirations. Especially regarding government positions and activities.

Tags: luck chance Jupiter ascendent Sun ninth house individual horoscope astroschool Galy
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