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Delphi's ancient theatre opens again after a pause of 20 years

15 July 2012 / 19:07:36  GRReporter
5629 reads

Giannis Bogiatzhs and Yiorgos Loukos

To the actress Reni Pitaki, the restoration of the theatre represents "a pleasant surprise". She will perform part of "The Birds" by Aristophanes - a text, which "will make us think now, when we are like birds with cut wings and plucked plumage", a text, which "will raise our spirits".

The repertoire that will be presented is selected by the actors themselves. Because of the theatre's location, there had been technical problems, in connection with the method of transportation of the instruments, for example.

"The event will be realized in the manner of a performance, since the actors will have only two days for rehearsals", Loukos explained.


The last performance in the antique theatre in Delphi, before the restoration works had started, was in 1992 and represented a solemn musical event on the occasion of 100 years from the start of the excavations of the French Architectural School in the Delphi area.

Tags: Delphi ancient theatre performance Mozart Maurice Ravel ancient Greek tragedies
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