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Dramatic data of suicides in Greece due to the crisis

11 September 2011 / 15:09:31  GRReporter
5480 reads

Because of the seriousness of the suicide problem, "Klimaka” has done extensive work to prevent and overcome the phenomenon in Greece, which includes research and publications, training of different professional groups, information seminars, radio and television clips, interviews in the media, printed information materials and events. 

As part of their activities to inform public opinion and on the occasion of the World Day for Suicide Prevention, tonight at 06:00 for the third time "Klimaka" will perform the event “Dance for Life”. 

This is a dance event, which will take place in "Thisio" featuring volunteer dancers, but also the audience. 

The event will take place under the auspices of the General Secretariat of the new generation, in cooperation with social partners “Klimax plus” and the support of the Municipality of Athens. 

Tags: World Health Organization WHO suicide rates Greece
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