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By the end of October government crises are expected in different parts of the world

15 October 2011 / 17:10:38  GRReporter
4530 reads

    The period October 20th to 25th for the people who have a planet in the area:
2 ° - 8 ° Taurus,
is a time, when you will face the dilemma of responsibility: to help in maintaining and preserving something – a person, work, relationships. You will probably find yourself in a situation where someone will consider you to be the right person. Do not get a swelled head if you receive some superlatives such as "You're the one." Carefully consider what you commit to, as it is possible that in the case of failure and not meeting expectations you may hear harsh words behind your back.

    The period October 25th to 31st for people who have a planet in the area:
13 ° - 18 ° Taurus,
is a time during which it is possible to get an offer, to have opened up the "path" to where you want to go. To get the desired "ticket", resource, support. Grasp the opportunity, regardless of whether you have the approval of others or not.

    The period October 25th to 31st for people who have a planet in the area:
18 ° - 23 ° Taurus,
is a time when your thoughts, opinions, assumptions, come to light. Whatever thoughts you have, listen to them. Write them down if you must. They carry pieces of genius. They are your personal insights. Do not worry if others say you are insane. In these days your mind runs years ahead, it soars where others cannot reach.

The period October 20th to 25th for people who have a planet in the area:
24 ° Taurus  - 0 ° Gemini
is a time when your inspiration comes about who you are, what you are, where you belong. If you receive a proposal for performance, this is a sign that you will be able to show what you can do. Every word you say, your every gesture will be exactly spot on. Remember one thing - do not seek to express yourself as much as you desire. When the time is right, an invitation will always come from somewhere.

    The period October 15th to 31st for people who have a planet in the area:
28 ° Gemini - 4 ° Cancer
is a time when waiting and patience bear fruit, not rushing. Surely you will have to balance, to maintain order amidst chaos. Or vice versa - to confuse everyone and everything. You may find yourself no where or when you need to be. Follow your inner clock and do not reproach yourself, that it runs too slow or at too fast a pace and it fails you. Because of its errors you will end up exactly where you'd like to be eventually.

    The period October 15th to 20th for people who have a planet in the area:
14 ° - 20 ° Cancer
is a time when it is possible to return to something unfinished. Or to launch something new. Notice where your focus is directed, where tension appears. This is a signal that at this point it is time to finish what you’ve started or time for a new start.

    The period October 15th to 25th for people who have a planet in the area:
2 ° - 8 ° Leo
is a time during which the desire to get attention, to dominate, is extremely strong. It is possible that you do this in a very instinctive and primal way. The desire to manifest your personality drives you to it. If you get a sign from others that you are on the right track, your chances to get where you're headed are immense.

    The period October 15th to 31st for people who have a planet in the area:
25 ° Libra - 1 ° Scorpio
is a time during which you will find yourself in a situation which implies the need to take care of something, to save it, to keep it "alive". Or vice versa - to leave it and deprive it of your support. This may be a man, work, relationships, personal commitment or something else. Carefully consider what you commit to, or what you abandon, since if you are not prepared with practical solutions, you might fail and carry for a long time this burden on your back.
    The period October 15th to 25th for people who have a planet in the area:
16 ° - 22 ° Sagittarius,
is a time when you may encounter something from your past. Or go back to it in order to change it. You might remember past mistakes, which are about to be repeated. As strange as it might sound, be selfish, tell a lie instead of the truth or tell the truth instead of lying. Replace old standards with new ones, upgraded old concepts. Even if this seems selfish to others.

    The period October 15th to 31st for people who have a planet in the area:
10 ° - 15 ° Capricorn,
is a time when it is possible to get into risky or provocative circumstances. These are some of those days when you have to face the things that you hate the most and those which you are afraid of. If you need to fight, do not curse your luck, fate, the weather, the birds and the bees. Remember that this is also a way to find something new, to find something meaningful, something that has particular worth, according to your own ideas.

Tags: forecast for the end of October astro school Galy individual horoscope planets zodiac signs
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