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Greeks are happy when they have money

28 August 2009 / 10:08:52  GRReporter
2758 reads

GRReporterEleftherotipia newspaper writes that money, education and moderate political views is the recipe for Greek happiness, according to a research done by the Statistics and Economics Department of the Athens University.

Based on the research, which interviewed 1140 people, 47% of them say that they are happy with their way of living and 23% say the opposite.

It comes out that the main factor for the happiness feeling is money, because rich people are happier. Most of those happy ones have graduated university or at least high school and their political views affect their lives. The politically oriented - independently of whether they are leaning towards right or left, get closer to happiness than the ones who are extreme or indifferent in their political views.

The coordinator of the research Prof. Epaminondas Panas explains that the personal happiness index is calculated based on seven factors from the personal life of every person. The seven factors are health, life status, success in achieving ones goals, security, personal relationships, integration in society and future goals.

38% of the surveyed are satisfied with their status and 26% are not. Six out of ten say that they do not have any complains about their health and that they are satisfied with their personal relationships. When it comes to security, 35% feel secure and 29% are not.

35% are optimistic about their future and 22% are pessimistic and the ones who believe they have succeeded in life are 57%, compared to the ones who believe they have failed - 17%. "My life right now is very close to being perfect or the way I imagine it," say most people between 30 and 44 years old, who have political views varying in the center, university degree and a good financial position.


Tags: SocietyNews
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