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Illegal trade in Xanthi flourishes

29 April 2013 / 19:04:33  GRReporter
4202 reads

The paradox of the Zlatograd - Xanthi border checkpoint remains. The project has been developed after the signing of an intergovernmental agreement, which aims to create a common road that not only connects the two countries, but also supports the trade, tourism and cultural exchange between Bulgaria and Greece. It also aims to bring together the peoples of the two countries, which share a long history, in order for them to make another step towards the European integration.

Instead, the hasty actions of the Greek state administration connected with the Zlatograd - Xanthi border checkpoint has strained the relations between the inhabitants of the two regions. They have increased the already high illegal exchange of goods between Bulgaria and Greece and caused irreparable damage to the local entrepreneurs.

The expectations

 "We want the trade relations between the two countries to expand and strengthen, but not at the expense of the healthy legal business," says Stelios Moraitis. "We cannot let the peddling carried out by incorrect Greeks and Bulgarians destroy the legal business in the region," says Moraitis, stressing that it is in the interest of both countries to further strengthen the trade relations between Bulgaria and Greece. Greek businessmen want to expand their collaboration with their Bulgarian counterparts, but within the established law.


Tags: EconomyMarketsXanthiZlatogradRoadBorderrestrictionHeavy vehicles
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