I will share with you a secret about life. Our life is our relationship - with food, water, light, sounds, money, with the car, with our job, with love, with others. Our life is built on our relationship with everything that flows to us from the outside. In all of its forms. And how good or bad our relationship is with our "environment" and the people we meet by chance or otherwise, determines how happy our lives will or will not be.
Now do not think that it is very simple to have a happy life. On the contrary, it is immensely complicated and impossible to always have good relations with all and everything around us.
Of course the biggest part of our lives is our relations with people. Therefore, in this article I will focus on them. I will tell you about one part of astrology, called synastry, and the very first basic rule in it. Synastry involves comparing the natal horoscopes of two people who are in a relationship. Briefly the two horoscopes are imposed on each other and the connections formed between the planets are compared.
When I first started studying this part of astrology, I often could not understand how people who should have a strong attraction to one another and who should be able to build a great and lasting relationship, in fact do not attract each other and create nothing more than a pleasant acquaintance, while others, who according to all rules were not meant for each other and were not supposed to even notice each other, were together. Naturally the answer was very simple and lies in the birth chart of each one of us. Someone whose horoscope shows a weak capacity for a happy love relationship will be attracted to a person whose horoscope has the same features. And vice versa – a person whose individual horoscope shows that there are resources to create a happy and loving relationship will surely attract a person whose horoscope has the same information.
I needed to mention this in the beginning because it is very important to understand why, even if we see a wonderful synastry, people might not attract each other, or they may be involved with one another but only for a short time and then separate. Sometimes people who have difficulty communicating with others and are described as antisocial, create beautiful and lasting relationships, whereas others who have a great ability to socialize, communicate well with people, increasingly find themselves in relationships that sooner or later end.
There are many rules and details taken into account when considering a partnership horoscope, but I will focus on one main rule here. Of course before doing this it is advisable to make an individual analysis in order to assess the innate patterns of each partner in the couple.
A relationship between two people is based on the emotions and feelings they have for one another and their instincts. Therefore, the mutual location of the moon from one chart to another is a priority for synastry. It also indicates towards which area of life the focus is directed in a given couple and which topic in life becomes the most important for both of them from a mental-emotional perspective.
How can we define the mutual disposition of two moons in a horoscope? We number the sign of the Moon in the first horoscope with one (1) and count in which sign the moon falls in the other horoscope.
Example: a woman's moon sign is in Pisces, and that of the man is in the sign Taurus. We count:
Pisces - 1 sign
Aries - 2 sign
Taurus - 3 sign
Gemini - 4 sign
Cancer - 5 sign
Therefore the moon of the man stands in sign three (3) of the moon of the woman and forms relationship 1:3 for the woman and 1:11 for the man.
A general principle states that the number of characters between the moon of the man and the moon of the woman, counting counterclockwise, should be less than eight (8). In other words, the path of the zodiac, where the male moon travels to the female moon must be less than the travel distance of the female moon to the male one. I will give you an example. The moon of the woman is in sign Pisces, and the moon of the man is in sign Taurus. The path of the male moon from Taurus to Pisces is much longer than the path of the female Moon from Pisces to Taurus.
The symbolism behind this rule is related to the fact that men are the active driving force. If a couple is found in the opposite situation, this is reflected in the circumstances that the couple is required to live in. The woman is compelled somehow to take on the male role and to be the active driving force. This may bring her serious discomfort, unless she as an individual is designed to be able to do this.
The strongest and deepest couple relationships are those where the moons are in relation 1:7. This is the purest expression of partnership without the intervention of other factors to take priority. After this comes the relation 1:1 relationship, i.e. Moons are in the same sign and relationships 1:5 and 1:9. This is a fundamental principle. Yet we must not forget that everything depends on the individual horoscope and which type of relationship a person will prefer and what type of partnership he/she is seeking - one which could ensure a good social status, good social circle, or the generation of good financial status
Now, I will give you a brief description of the twelve types.
1:1 relationship - the two moons are in the same sign.
This is a relationship in which people focus on their sameness. They are attracted to the things they have in common, which gives a pleasant comfort and calmness knowing the other is like you. The kind of people who are somewhat attracted to such relationships are those who have mild narcissism, as each of them keenly admires the qualities of the other, for the simple reason that it actually appears they worship themselves.
In such a correlation between the moons both of them are reluctant to "shake the boat", so this relationship is very stable and predictable, but also extremely susceptible to boredom and apathy. Changes are something extremely undesirable, and such a couple is able to follow the same habits for years, to encapsulate everything and oppose anyone who would want to bring change.
1:2 relationship - the moon of the other falls in the second sign.
In such a relationship the couple is focused primarily on financial and material stability. When the moon of my partner is in sign two (2) from my moon, he will concentrate on supporting the family and providing for it. To him I will seem as if I do not care and want to sabotage his material stability, rather than support him. He will not trust me and will always doubt me. I will, in turn, prefer to move with the flow of life and separate from my partner periodically.
1:3 relationship - the moon of the other falls in the third sign.
Such a relationship has a deep flavour of friendship, just like between brother and sister. Mutual support, providing incentives and social environment are the focus here. When the moon of my partner is in the third (3) sign from my moon, he will concentrate on stimulating and giving me courage as a friend in my endeavors. I, in turn, will be his “ladder” so he can climb up to the needed social circles, to receive support and protection from me.
1:4 relationship - the moon of the other falls in the fourth sign.
Such a relationship embodies deep contrast. Coming to the forefront are differences which are extremely difficult to be accepted and therefore the cause of almost continuous intransigence. They often require a sacrifice. When the moon of my partner falls in the fourth (4) sign of my moon, he will concentrate on domestic life and on providing me with comfort. Circumstances will force him to support me in my public and professional endeavours. I, in turn, will derive all the benefits from his publicity, but I will have to sacrifice the impulse to show my individuality. Often we might argue over who is wrong and who is right and who is playing a more important role in the couple.
1:5 relationship - the moon of the other falls in the fifth sign.
Such a relationship is marked by the active desire for people to learn from each other, to charm one another and to have fun with it. When the moon of my partner falls in the fifth (5) sign of my moon, I tend to treat him as a child, he is my inspiration and creative success. He, in turn, perceives me as a father, mentor and teacher. Feelings are based on the parent-child relationship.
The trap here is when the male moon is in the fifth (5) sign from the female one, because by nature woman is not structured to be the father and teacher of her husband. In such a relationship the focus is always on the couple's children. Unplanned pregnancy, a great desire for children or other reason, again linked to children. Often problems arise connected with them, because one partner feels an unconscious reluctance to have children, to displace the role of the "favourite child of mum or dad." But on the other hand, such a couple knows how to enjoy their life.
1:6 relationship - the moon of the other falls in the sixth sign.
Such a relationship is based on the present issue of antagonism, disputes, belligerence. In them over time, step by step, the willingness is fed to nourish and maintain fights - both with each other and with others, but the fault is always of the partner. After some time the topic arises for acute and intense illness and the need to combat it. At the beginning of the relationship in such a combination there is a strong attraction. But infidelity is common, because it is an ideal occasion for enmity. The focus of these relationships is often associated with duties, including financial, litigation, health issues and any incidents.
When the moon of my partner falls in the sixth (6) sign of my Moon, I openly fight with him. At the beginning sex saves us, but after a while even it becomes a cause for war. He can force me to take various "loads" with which I will have to fight. For his part, the other perceives me as someone who brings unexpected things in his life, which require deep life changes. He perceives me as a person who manipulates and take advantage of him.
1:7 relationship - the moon of the other falls in the seventh sign.
In such a relationship both partners look directly at each other. They see mainly their differences. But the differences that are perfectly complementary. Each partner brings what the other lacks, so this type of relationship is extremely attractive. More than any other. When the moon of my partner falls in the seventh (7) sign of my Moon, I think of him as a true partner who complements me in every respect. He takes me the same way. In this relationship there are no different “glasses or angles” through which we see one another. And I see him perfectly with all his details and features.
In such relationships the transition to extremes is common. In between the perfect harmony suddenly comes something and destroys it and both partners go to their extreme. The huge differences between both partners are both fascinating and extremely irritating. Exactly for them is written: "I can't live with you...but I can't live without you." The focus of this relationship is on the pure partnership.
1:8 relationship - the moon of the other falls in the eighth sign.
Such a relationship is marked by the issue of antagonism, hostility, manipulation. In this relationship over time, step by step, partners increasingly want to get into deep contradictions that make them bitter towards each other. At the beginning of such a relationship there is a strong attraction. The other seems so mysterious, so sexy, as if he comes from another universe. Infidelity is common, because it is an ideal occasion for enmity. The focus of these relationships is often associated with duties, banking and litigation, health issues and some incidents.
When the moon of my partner falls in the eighth (8) sign of my Moon, I feel that he influences me in a deeply manipulative way and I openly oppose it. He can bring me unexpected things which require deep life changes, which I usually do not want, but I have no choice.
1:9 relationship - the moon of the other falls in the ninth sign.
This is a relationship in which people actively cultivate the desire to learn from each other, to charm others and to enjoy life. When the moon of my partner falls in the ninth sign of my moon I treat him as a father and a leader in life, as a man who always shows me new horizons and teaches me. And I am his inspiration. Feelings are the basis of the parent-child relationship. In such relations the focus is always on the couple's children. Unplanned pregnancy, a great desire for children or other reason, again linked to children. Often problems arise connected with them, because one partner feels unconscious reluctance to have children, which will displace him/her from the role of "favourite child of mum or dad." But on the other hand, such a couple knows how to enjoy life better.
1:10 relationship – the moon of the other falls in the tenth sign.
Such a relationship embodies deep contrast. Coming to the forefront are differences, which are extremely difficult to be accepted and therefore cause a struggle for supremacy. This relationship often requires a sacrifice. When the moon of my partner falls in the tenth sign of my moon, he will concentrate on his public, social and professional life. Circumstances will force me to sacrifice my impulse to show off my individuality. Often we might argue over who is wrong and who is right and who is playing a more important role in the couple.
1:11 relationship – the moon of the other falls in the eleventh sign.
Such a relationship has a deep flavour of friendship, just like between brother and sister. The focus is mutual support, providing incentives and social environment. When the moon of my partner is in the eleventh (11) sign of my moon, he will concentrate on getting me into my desired social circles, I will protect and support him like an older brother/sister. I, in turn, will stimulate him and give him courage as a friend in his endeavours.
1:12 relationship – the moon of the other falls in the twelfth sign.
In such a relationship the focus is primarily on financial and material stability. When the moon of my partner is in the twelfth (12) sign of my moon, he will be remiss in supporting the family and in his material stability. He will spend all I save, and will often be absent. I will feel as if he is always hiding something from me and that at any time he might leave me by myself.