Normally during our 42nd and 44th year we pass through the so-called midlife crisis. Most astrologers explain it with the opposition of Uranus with its birth position. The explanation is that in the years around 42 everyone appears to have a purely emotional feeling of increasing loneliness. Not just to feeling of being alone but actually being lonely. Increasing loneliness to the extent that it can hardly be sustained. As a result people are doing their best to overcome it and to escape from it. By engaging in vigorous social activity, rushing headlong into all sorts of adventures, degradation and threatening long-term relationships by entering into romantic adventures and experiments. The ways to get away from this loneliness are different for everyone. But this is not main worry.
Despite the fact that the opposition of Uranus is the main factor for everything I described above, the reason is slightly different. At this time a shift is happening on the themes of the Northern Moon node. And the final withdrawal of the South Lunar node themes. In a more understandable language I would say that during this shift one has brought to the surface all natural inclinations and talents, as defined by the Southern node and has completed everything left unfinished. And he feels that where everything was familiar, where he always felt relaxed, where he could always find shelter, is gone. Imagine a street. At one end is the south node and in the other - the North. After birth, each person begins their journey on this street. Until about his 42nd year, he gathers and brings to the surface all his abilities and talents as defined by the position of the South node, he solves certain problems. As they are always provoked in some way from the North node, since the movement is towards it.
At the moment of conversion this process ends. We have taken everything we need, we have completed the unfinished and we no longer look back, because there's nothing there. This is pretty shocking when we understand it. Because despite the fact that we no longer have anything to do with the South node, it is not easy to detach from it completely. I will give an example with immigration. When a person goes away from his native home, he stays connected with it for a long period because there are some of his belongings (the south node). Over time he returns to take only those that are necessary for some reason (the north node). And so until one day, the habit takes him on his way to his native house again but suddenly he stops and realizes that there is nothing more to take. For most people this is a shocking and very lonely period.
The only exception might be those who have the aspect of Saturn in their birth Moon - mostly conjunction, square, or opposition. This aspect that is so unloved, appears to be the greatest wealth during this critical age. Because for good or bad a person goes through most of his life in solitude. Do not take the latter literally. You might be surrounded by hundreds of people but the feeling of loneliness might never leave your side.
It is not a common practice in astrology to calculate a dynamic horoscope for the opposition of Uranus to its birth position. But this is a very important moment exactly because of this shift. The most important thing in this map is the nodal axis. It occupies a specific position according to the house and sign and its importance is joined by the birth horoscope.
Thus the 19th year marks the period to our 38th year with the fact that a person starts collecting useful things - defined by the South node, while getting acquainted with new ones defined by the North node. After the 38th year, in a period of several years, including the opposition of Uranus to its own place, the collection process is completed and there is transition primarily to things guided by the North node. Our 28th and 47th year are peak and are characterized by bearing significant external events. The later years of life - 57, 66, 76 and 85 - also bring radical psychological changes. It is the mirror principle: 57, 47, 66 and 38, 76 and 28, 76 and 19.