Photos: the author
The presence of, and conversation with, Professor of Modern History Dina Porat, who runs "Yad Vashem", the Israel Museum and Institute to perpetuate the memory of the victims of the Holocaust, were memorable too. Her response to the deniers of the Holocaust was a provocation for consideration. She called this "a significant Christian crime", stressing that if one accepts this truth, then this person has no choice but to fully reconsider his or her own self and thus humanity. And if one does not accept it, one keeps his or her own world intact and continues to apply the same stereotypes of Jews."
Journalist of "Eleftherotipia" newspaper Vassilis Kalamaras described the booth of the focal country as a "Minimalist Israel in Mediterranean colours." In an open space that was accessible from all sides, it had a double face: on one side, there was a photo of Jerusalem and the other was decorated with a view of a popular tourist beach. Israel presented itself as a dynamic and self-confident country radiating Mediterranean colours and flavours. A small but sophisticated pocketbook contained all titles by Israeli authors that had appeared in the Greek book market.