There always comes a time when even the smartest person makes mistakes. Sometimes they are so unbelievably foolish. However, we, humans, are made like that - we have our own mistakes and imperfections. We pay for our mistakes in one way or another, and there are people whose mistakes are far more serious than yours or mine. This is a matter of the road of life. Although our society categorically condemns those who have made serious mistakes, these people are the most valuable. It is far better if someone else takes the burden of a failure, paying for it personally, and you learn from him or her, not making the same mistakes. We should thank rather than condemn in the cruellest way the people who have actually saved us.
Today's article is about the mistakes we make in life. I will focus on how to realize that we are about to make a mistake or rather how to understand that in a particular case, it is our fault and not someone else’s. This is a very funny moment in humans. When something is a success, everyone wants to be adorned with laurels. But when we have ended up in a failure, no one wants to be "adorned" with its thorns. In such a situation, we often point out other peoples' mistakes and do not seek our own. Everyone makes mistakes but not everyone admits it.
In astrology, Mercury is the planet that defines our skills to judge, to make sound judgments, to form our thoughts and make conclusions. Mercury’s task is to collect and process the information received from the senses, and to shape it as a thought or decision. Actually, the mistakes we make are due to a wrong conclusion, misinterpretation of the information received. The sign and the house where Mercury stands, its links with other planets and the phase relative to the Sun, show what our rational mind is as well as our mental and conceptual capacity, judgments and conclusions. But it also defines the situations in which we are most vulnerable to making mistakes, what and when is distorted in our judgments and causes us to make the wrong decision.
Those people, for whom Mercury is in a more complicated position and strongly attacked by other planets, often make greater and more serious mistakes, for which they dearly pay. There is something specific here, however. Such people are both more open to making mistakes in their decisions and to making unique and ingenious decisions. You know, sometimes a mistake proves to be correct.
I will present the information that comes mainly from the position of the zodiac sign and the house. Due to its movement close to the Sun, in most people, Mercury is in the same sign. So if you do not know the sigh in which Mercury is in your personal horoscope, read the information about your Sun sign.
Mercury in Aries (First House)
The moments in which you are most vulnerable and when the probability of you making a mistake is great are associated with a challenge to you. This happens when you start an argument, when you are provoked to compete and race, or to burst out in anger or when you find yourself in a situation in which you have to prove yourself. You are highly vulnerable due to your haste to finish which is why you make foolish mistakes that do not only save you time, but can bring you additional headaches. Although you have the ability to quickly make mental connections and process the information received, it would be better to take a rest, give yourself three minutes before proceeding to actions in order for your rush to hurry to subside.
Mercury in Taurus (Second House)
The moments in which you are most vulnerable and when the probability of you making a mistake is great are associated with situations in which you find yourself in good and comfortable conditions. You are surrounded by a large amount of material values, there is great food and drinks in front of you, you can smell "money" and you are provided access to some wealth. You are highly vulnerable when a desire to own something is provoked as well as the pleasure of anticipating some possessions, when your appetite for life and delight of the senses awakes. Although you are not one of those people who rush, it would be better to make decisions in a more austere environment, but with a full stomach, in order for you to be sure that there is nothing to manipulate your senses in terms of money, food and comfort.
Mercury in Gemini (Third House)
The moments in which you are most vulnerable and when the probability of you making a mistake is great are associated with situations which search for solutions, especially based on collected information and documents. In this sign (and house) Mercury, by definition, has great power. Strangely enough, you are highly vulnerable in summarizing the available information and particularly in handling documents and tracing the logical connection between them. You are able to collect all sorts of facts, data, and the more they are, the more vulnerable you are to making bad decisions. It is difficult for you to filter out the important from the unimportant, to be practical. Therefore, it would be better to make decisions after discussing them with someone, in cooperation with someone else, preferably with a brother or sister.
Mercury in Cancer (Fourth House)
The moments in which you are most vulnerable and when the probability of you making a mistake is great are associated with situations that activate your emotional memory and provoke your feelings, regardless of whether they are associated with joy, excitement or sadness and sorrow. You are highly vulnerable when one of your emotional chords is hit, because you lose your ability to be logical, objective and rational. Personal attitudes are the biggest obstacle to correct decisions. It would be better if you do not make decisions when you are excited, feel sorry for someone/something or are ill-disposed. Talk to your mother or to a very close woman before making a decision.
Mercury in Leo (Fifth House)
The moments in which you are most vulnerable andwhen the probability of you making a mistake is great are associated with the zeal to prove and express yourself, to shine. The ego is able to blur your correct judgment. You are also highly vulnerable when you find yourself in some romantic conditions, when Cupid's arrows fly toward you or someone compliments you, admires you or puts you on a pedestal. You have a strong creative intelligence which is driven when you are given the opportunity to shine, but it would be better to make decisions without other people’s interference - completely independently and regardless of how many compliments you have received, and if someone will admire you or not. Talk with your children (whether they are 3 or 30 years old).
Mercury in Virgo (Sixth House)
The moments in which you are most vulnerable and when the probability of you making a mistake is great are associated with the tendency to perfectionism and excessive criticism. In Virgo (the sixth house) Mercury, by definition, brings a lot of power that can easily be used and wasted in an unnecessary consideration for details. You are highly vulnerable to making mistakes when trying to make everything perfect down to the last detail. They say a small leak will sink a great ship. And for you, “fine-tuning” the small details can be the reason for you to make a mistake in the overall structure, i.e. to make a decision that is correct in terms of small matters, but is not regarding the final effect. It would be better to make decisions in a clean and tidy environment, to use tools such as a sheet of paper, pen or other, and to ask your colleagues.
Mercury in Libra (Seventh House)
The moments in which you are most vulnerable and when the probability of you making a mistake is great are associated with your aptitude for balance, harmony and equilibrium, and also when something beautiful stands in front of you, be it an object or person. You are highly vulnerable to beautiful things, to be liked in an attempt to be fair without affecting anyone. The more you think of how everyone can feel good the more you are open to wrong decisions. Life is often "unfair" and therefore whenever something has to be decided, someone will be affected. When making decisions, you should not be influenced by the external packaging, no matter how beautiful someone is or how shiny the object in front of you. The help of your spouse in your decisions is invaluable.
Mercury in Scorpio (Eighth House)
The moments in which you are most vulnerable and when the probability of you making a mistake is great are associated with your desire to secretly possess and control everything. You are highly vulnerable when your aptitude for keeping others in suspense, and no one is aware of what you will decide (even if it is the shop assistant), take precedence over the decision itself. Your commitment to financial and material benefits might also deceive you into making wrong conclusions. The human eye is insatiable and it easily becomes the cause for a decision with hard consequences. Therefore, it would be better to make decisions in total peace, without passion for control and power over the whole situation, and in a state of a measured appetite for benefits.
Mercury in Sagittarius (Ninth House)
The moments in which you are most vulnerable and when the probability of you making a mistake is great are associated with situations in which you have to handle an unknown matter or during trips. Your unwillingness to waste time in unnecessary reasoning drives you to mainly make intuitive decisions. You are highly vulnerable to making mistakes due to lack of information, since, even if it is intuitive, a decision is good when you have at your disposal the facts related to all its sides. You are also vulnerable if you make decisions on the go, while you travel or move from one place to another. It would be better to make decisions when nothing bothers you, be it people or deadlines. If you are pressed to the corner, ask a stranger for advice or open a book at random to "charge" your intuition.
Mercury in Capricorn (Tenth House)
The moments in which you are most vulnerable and when the probability of you making a mistake is great are associated with your ambitions for a better social status, for assuming responsibilities or being aware of "what people will say." You are highly vulnerable to public opinion, responsible behaviour and this puts significant restrictions on you. This often drives you to make decisions that you regret, because the consequences are for you personally, and not for society (people), whose opinion you have taken in mind. It would be better to make decisions completely independently, in isolation, talking to no one, in order for you not to allow the "public" to put restrictions on you. However, if you need advice, ask your father.
Mercury in Aquarius (Eleventh House)
The moments in which you are most vulnerable and when the probability of you making a mistake is great are associated with the friendly relations that you build and the desire to be original, non-standard. You are highly vulnerable to completely having confidence in friendly advice, relying on help from those same friends. This is a double-edged sword for you, especially if you have not established contact with appropriate friends. Your desire to demonstrate individuality and originality makes you vulnerable to bad decisions as well. It would be better to make decisions alone, to capture the brilliant idea, not deliberately looking for it from the people who surround you. If you still need someone's advice, it would be better if you used a search engine on the Internet.
Mercury in Pisces (Twelfth House)
The moments in which you are most vulnerable and when the probability of you making a mistake is great are associated with your reluctance to make decisions. You are one of those people who prefer to live in conditions with no clear personal decisions. Your life changes every day and you have an internal fear of wrong decisions. You are very vulnerable to mistakes if you are restless and tense, and if there is no other person, or situation, around you to make the decision for you. Strange to say, you are very relieved when life makes the decisions for you. Nevertheless, there are times when you have to decide something and then it would be better to rely on your instinct at that moment, as there is no past, no future, there is only present.