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The most unconventional character in Greek show business became Athens’ first municipal council

23 November 2010 / 11:11:41  GRReporter
19075 reads

Confusion, threats of resignations and stress caused the decision of the former mayor of Athens and again a candidate for the post Nikitas Kaklamanis to offer Ilias Psinakis a place in the election list. This decision made some laugh, others rebuke, while the rest simply said "why not, others do not fit better". Nikitas Kaklamanis lost the elections, but Ilias Psinakis was first in the Athenians choice. He congratulated the new Mayor George Kaminis immediately afterwards and said that if people voted for him, then he deserved it. On the other hand, he regretted the loss of Nikitas Kaklamanis, because "I thought to install two computers in an office, two people to work on them and a prosecutor. There is an imperative need of a prosecutor to investigate any complaint submitted to the Towa Hall and to immediately hold competent authorities responsible."

Ilias Psinakis avoided appearing in the media during the election campaign because, as he said in his only TV interview on the occasion of the elections, "it is not fair to the others." He already avoids using his notorious phrases "goddess you are" and some others but the politicians who "brought the country here" still make him sick. To all who expected that he would give up the post of the first municipal council for the loss of Kaklamanis, Ilias Psinakis said "They haven’t understood at all. I ran, so much mud was thrown on me, why should I betray those who voted for me?" He doesn’t care for the moment that he will be opposition in the municipal council. He does not know what he will do as the idea of computers and the prosecutor can not be implemented, but he "wants to help."

Ilias Psinakis is one of the most prominent, provocative and unconventional characters in Greek show business. The pupils at the Leontiyskata school in Athens were whispering still in the 1960s about their strange classmate who came every day to school by an armored Mercedes and bodyguard, wearing orthopedic shoes, at a time when Onassis himself was moving in the streets without guards. Few were those who were aware then that those security measures were absolutely necessary. On the one hand, his father Notis Psinakis was the owner of a factory producing electrical appliances and bazooka parts, which were his patent and were exported worldwide. And on the other, his uncle Stavros owned the telecommunications and electricity companies of the Philippines, two television stations and the largest bank in the Asian country.

So, Ilias Psinakis spent his childhood between the houses and the 45-foot family yacht. As a youngster he spent his summers on the island of Mykonos in the company of Anna Magnani and Elizabeth Taylor, and thousands of rumours say that Empress of Iran Soraya insisted to get acquainted with him. Political changes in the Philippines directly affected the family but after the fall of the dictatorship of Marcos, it was able to regain ownership of the companies. And the great Dolce Vita for Ilias began. He traveled around the world often accompanied by Prince Rainier and Grace Kelly, Sophia Loren and other celebrities. Ilias Psinakis was a fashion model and at the same time studied international business and international marketing in London and has master's degrees in both disciplines. His star shined in New York, in the mythical Studio 54, where he met the most famous pop art representative Andy Warhol, who painted his portrait. There Ilias danced with Mick and Bianca Jagger, joked with Alain Delon and drank cocktails with Liza Minnelli, Grace Kelly and a host of European royals. He absorbed all the knowledge about publicity and media during this period.

His career as a manager Psinakis began in 1991 with the then unknown Sakis Rouvas. He has made him a real star, their relations were very close and after a while a rumour came that the two men had an intimate relationship. And a gossip magazine even had the heading ‘Psinakis and Rouvas got married secretly abroad.’ The scandal was huge. The two main characters and their families did not dare appear in public. He and Rouvas split professionally but nobody understood why. Since then, Ilias Psinakis participates as a member of committees of many TV programs for young talents and rising stars and is the manager of Greek singers. He had plastic surgery a few years ago and did not even try to hide why he was rejuvenated with at least 15 years.

Although Ilias Psinakis knows most of the Greek politicians he avoids personal assessments. But he mentions Andreas Papandreou, whom "I have always respected deeply. Why? For saving my life. How? By "unlocking" my mind. We met at event on Melina Mercouri. And all were very obscene to me. I was not accustomed to such an attitude. They went so far as to argue that we are married with Rouvas. When Papandreou saw me he told me "You should know that a bigger scandal disguises a scandal." This as if unblocked my brain and I started to think again immediately. To look at things in a different way."

Tags: Ilias PsinakisМunicipal councilShow businessSociety
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