In Klimaka, they have managed to establish the practice of joint efforts by all. "Whatever we do, we do it together. After the celebration last Friday, it was not necessary to ask someone to help us clean. The people themselves knew that this must happen. Moreover, they like to feel they are part of a team and useful. This is the case of Yianis, who lives in his car in front of Klimaka. He is an electrician and during the day, he is with us. He has undertaken to maintain the washing machines and he is very pleased with that. When there is a problem and we tell him that someone else will take care of it, he worries a lot. Our aim is for these people to not feel like passive recipients, who expect us to solve all their problems. We present them with the problems and help them cope with them. This may sound like utopia, but it actually works. When people are left on the street for a long time they become passive, and this is something we want to fight."
Another important part is the professional programme of Klimaka for the people. "We have a workshop for paper recycling, which is a social enterprise in practice. We have 2-3 trucks with which the homeless collect the paper discarded by companies and individuals. Then, we sell it and the profit from this sale goes to the homeless. The people who work in the workshop have a monthly income from the work, which helps them meet their personal needs. We have cases of homeless people, who were able to save money and rent a home with our support and to find their way. "
A few days ago, Deputy Minister of Health Markos Bolaris announced that a bill is expected to be voted, which will regularize the status of homeless people in Greece for the first time.
Ada Alamanou called on the government not to spend the funds for the homeless on free lunches and blankets, when it is cold, "because it ensures the existence of these people only for the next day. However, this does not take us anywhere. The money could be spent for other activities related to prevention and reintegration into society. Otherwise, we risk facing a continuously growing problem, which we will not be able to stop."