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November starts with indecisiveness regarding changes

29 October 2011 / 14:10:34  GRReporter
4291 reads

The period November 10 to 15 for people who have a planet in the area:
23 ° - 28 ° Virgo
is time during which you should be productive. It is possible for you to create a very fruitful relationship or to "produce" successful idea or proposal. This is also a time in which you will get an opportunity to make some changes in your relationships - to improve or to destroy them. It is not uncommon before that to get into a conflict. Be diplomatic. Conflicts, although seemingly come from someone else, are actually caused by you. And only you can make the transition from the conflict to reconciliation or the final decision to put an end (if your need is such).

For some of you those may be days filled with love, romance or proposals of intimate nature.

The period November 1 to 15 for people who have a planet in the area:
29 ° Virgo - 4 ° Libra
is time during which you will probably make some changes in terms of purely physical questions concerning your body. Diet, fitness, change in eating habits or new sexual pleasures. Why not some beauty treatments. Not be ashamed of this desire or feel guilty about it, simply enjoy.
This is also time during which it is possible to find yourself in front of a dilemma - whether to accept it or not. You should not listen to others. Your strength is to succeed where anothers have failed.

The period November 1 to 15 for people who have a planet in the area:
Scales 25 ° - 1 ° Scorpio
is time during which you will desire something more than you need it. To take anything that comes your way - emotionally, mentally, physically. You will probably find yourself in a situation where with great appetite you will accumulate resources of all kinds on the principle "Just to have." You need to fill your own gaps. During those days, your direction of communication with the outside world will be connected only to satisfy your own needs. And those who need you, but cannot offer anything in return, will be left further behind in your priorities.
The period November 5 to 15 for people who have a planet in the area:
24 ° Scorpio - 0 ° Sagittarius,
is time during which you will find the right direction for yourself. An objective to follow. If until now you have had problems, some disorientation, during these days it is possible to encounter people, circumstances, information that will steer you around in the right direction. You may receive a proposal for something. Think it over very well because it is not coming by accident.

 The period November 1 to 10 for people who have a planet in the area:
16 ° - 22 ° Sagittarius,
is time during which it is possible to go back in time. To meet old friends, old circumstances, old memories. Search for the valuable in this because you will find it useful. New concepts, ideas and relationships are usually well-forgotten old ones. Simply replace the old standsrds with new ones, improve the forgotten "old" ones.

The period November 1 to 15 for people who have a planet in the area:
16 ° - 21 ° Capricorn,
is time during which it is possible for you to experience setbacks and obstacles on the road of an ambition. Your desire to attract attention, to be valued, can be followed by disappointment.  If necessary, take a step back and restrain your zeal "at any cost." Perhaps you will lack consistency and will step on old standards that are not "in line" with the present. This creates barriers for you.

The period November 1 to 10 for people who have a planet in the area:
21 ° - 26 ° Capricorn,
is time for inspiration. It is possible to feel the rush of tremendous energy, to get inspired by your or someone else’s thought, idea or project. This might make you surrender to it completely. Use these days to the maximum in order to shape it.

The period November 1 to 15 for people who have a planet in the area:
2 ° - 8 ° Aquarius,
is the time during which inside you continues to burn an emotional fire and sharp transitions are possible in your activity - as you sit quietly suddenly you decide to "try" something you have never tried. Emotional "outbursts" are placed almost at every step. The tension you are feeling is a harbinger of changes that could significantly affect your life.

The period November 1 to 15 for people who have a planet in the area:
22 ° - 27 ° Pisces
is time during which the desire to change something, accompanies you at every step. These days can be loaded with lots of social activity. Because consciously or not, you know that communicating with as many people as possible is the basis of the changes that you are looking for. It is likely for you to embark on a social, public or friendly "adventure" which in the beginning can be provoked by pure boredom.

Tags: zodiac sign astrology planets november
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