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Olympia Dukakis will train young actors in Athens

19 January 2010 / 16:01:36  GRReporter
7411 reads

Olympia Dukakis has graduated from Boston University, and after that she has received a scholarship for a physiotherapist of babies suffering from paralysis. After ending her studies, she works for two years and after that signs up for the Master program of the university. Subsequently she starts working in theater, creates her own troupe, which shoots her directly to New York. Olympia Dukakis has founded three theater troupes until now and the last one has been operating for the last twenty years in New Jersey. Currently, Mrs. Dukakis is actively engaged in teaching at Columbia University and in some private studios across America. 

Mrs. Dukakis acknowledges that her mentor Peter Cass has an enormous impact on her - one of the best acting teachers in America during the 60s and 70s. He is also the reason she left for New York. 

Recently, the autobiography of the actress came out in the US titled "Ask me again tomorrow," which became an instant bestseller.

Tags: Olympia Dukakis Jim Gianopoulos Film CInema Theater Oscar
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