15 ° - 20 ° Aries (people born between April 5 and 10)
2 ° - 8 ° Taurus (people born between April 22 and 28)
6 ° - 11 ° Gemini (people born between May 27 and June 1)
16 ° - 22 ° Gemini (people born between June 6 and 12)
28 ° Gemini - 4 ° Cancer (people born between June 19 and 25)
2 ° - 8 ° Leo (people born between July 25 and 31)
25 ° Libra - 1 ° Scorpio (people born between October 18 and 24)
0 ° - 6 ° Sagittarius (people born between November 22 and 28)
28 ° Sagittarius - 4 ° Capricorn (people born between December 21 and 25)
10 ° - 15 ° Capricorn (people born between December 31 and January 5)
2 ° - 8 ° Aquarius (people born between January 22 and 28)
13 ° - 19 ° Aquarius (people born between February 2 and 8)
22 ° - 27 ° Pisces (people born between March 12 and 17)
Check out the graph in the gallery and see which planet is connected to the keywords I wrote.
The period October 1-15 for people who have a planet in the area:
15 ° - 20 ° Aries,
is a time during which you can still feel some instability, weakness from which your self-confidence and enthusiasm will suffer. Give yourself time to recover, and if there are people willing to help you in this process, let them. Follow the motto that a flower is always beautiful, even when growing on a dump. After October 10 the clouds will dissipate.
The period October 5-15 for people who have a planet in the area:
2 ° - 8 ° Taurus,
is a time during which you will realize what you need to take care of, save and keep "alive". This may be a person, work, relationships or something else. During these days you will be concerned with reality. Whatever you decide you will be right. It will be right for you. There is no room for regrets.
The period October 1-15 for people who have a planet in the area:
0 ° - 5 ° Gemini,
is a time during which you may encounter something unexpected. You may encounter a situation where you clearly know what the problem is but it will be difficult for you to do anything about it. There may be concrete obstacles that will prevent you from solving it. If you feel you're banging your head against a brick wall, you better stop. You will risk becoming angry and frustrated, thereby becoming a person with a gun in hand, shooting in all directions, except where you want to.
The period October 4-10 for people who have a planet in the area:
16 ° - 22 ° Gemini,
is a time during which your "hunting" instinct will lead you to something you are looking for. You will be driven by the desire to find or to provide another benefit. During these days you will be able to get some material resources or to get rid of them (in case you are selling something, you will get a bargain and accordingly a good deal). This can apply to relationships, work or purely financial matters.
The period October 1-15 for people who have a planet in the area:
28 ° Gemini- 4 ° Cancer
Wait, do not rush and prepare your "brakes". Awaiting you is serious tension, just because you will have to wait in any situation. Do not make the mistake of pressing the accelerator instead of the brake. You will not change anything. Accept that everything comes to he who waits. You simply have to be patient.
The period October 10-15 for people who have a planet in the area:
2 ° - 8 ° Leo
is a time during which you will be eager to draw attention to yourself. Whatever situation you find yourself in, you will always find a way of doing this, driven by the desire to manifest your individuality drives you to do so. In this way you will bring about change not only in others, to influence them in some way, but also in yourself.
The period October 10-15 for people who have a planet in the area:
25 ° Libra- 1 ° Scorpio
is a time during which you will have the power to manifest profound realism as regards your abilities and the need to care about something, save it and keep it "alive". Or vice versa - to leave it and no longer lend it your support. This may be a person, work, relationships, personal commitment or something else. Your decisions during those days are right for you. Your success depends on you following your instincts.
The period October 1-15 for people who have a planet in the area:
0 ° - 6 ° Sagittarius
is a time during which you will have the necessary clarity to see what you should be targeting in order to make it "better and stronger." To make it your own. However, you may make the unpleasant discovery that you are currently facing obstacles. Do not bet on your tenacity and do not pull "the reins" too much. Adapt to the obstacles, do not fix them.