The period November 18 - 25 for people who have a planet in the area:
13 ° - 19 ° Taurus,
is a time during which you will have access to a highly desired resource. Coming across something which will fill the missing link. If you have problems and are disoriented, during these days it is possible to encounter people, circumstances, information that will provide you with the necessary "material."
The period November 15 - 30 for people who have a planet in the area:
28° Gemini - 4° Cancer
is a time during which you will have to wait - patiently and quietly. As much as you would want to start moving around and bring some order around you, right now you will not succeed. During these days you continue to attract different "innovations." Gather them while seemingly doing nothing. If everything and everyone around you is not where they are supposed to be, this is a signal that you are exactly where you should be. The last days of November will bring you invaluable information that will reward you for your patience.
The period November 20 - 25 for people who have a planet in the area:
26° Cancer - 2° Leo
is a time for a journey - mental, physical, spiritual. This journey will enrich you and bring light on certain issues. It is possible that these days can bring you some ingenious ideas, the will to crush your old beliefs and to try something new and different.
The period November 15 - 25 for people who have a planet in the area:
22° - 28° Virgo
is a time to break barriers and to be productive. You will get an opportunity to make some changes in some of your relationships - intimate, family, friends, business – by improving or terminating them. You will also get an opportunity to express your creative nature in some way, to realize a cherished desire, or to get support from someone.
The period November 15 - 30 for people who have a planet in the area:
4° - 9° Libra
throughout the last year a process of purification and of correction has been active. This process is aimed at improving the overall quality of life and it is impossible for this improvement to go smoothly. The desire to make things around you better, to save time and avoid mistakes still burns inside you and pushes you to "fix" everything. You are often misunderstood and believed to be the eternal critic, unhappy with everything and everyone. I mention this because it does not only continue in the second half of November but it goes beyond that as well.
The period November 15 - 25 for people who have a planet in the area:
26° Libra - 2° Scorpio
is a time during which the direction of communication with the outside world will be connected only with satisfying your own needs. And those who need you, but cannot offer anything in return, will be left further behind in your priorities. Particularly active will be your desire to "squeeze", to manifest pure selfishness by firstly satisfying yourself and it is quite possible for you to forget about others. Envy over something or jealousy of someone will not pass you by. There is nothing wrong and reprehensible about this, as long as you concentrate not on envy and jealousy themselves but on what causes them.
The period November 15 - 30 for people who have a planet in the area:
8° - 13° Scorpio
is a time when your whole world will turn around situations from the past. Many thoughts, discussions and conversations related to truths, lies and manipulation. And all this will be will be targeted because of purely material needs. Even when talking about things that seemingly have nothing to do with anything material. Such as relations with others, for example. Your communication skills - verbal and nonverbal - are in full swing. Use them in order to switch to a qualitatively new standard of existence. To find a "new business", "new talent" or something "new and better".
The period November 18 – 25 for people who have a planet in the area:
13° - 19° Scorpio
is a time to show some style. To show some individuality. Be careful when you speak. If you are not sure and confident in what you say, then everyone around you will find it hard to trust you. It will be better to listen more than to talk, although you will have a strong need to express yourself. During these days you will have the power to capture all the nuances around yourself. Bet on what you hear and see during that particular moment rather than on logic or past experience.
The period November 15 - 30 for people who have a planet in the area:
16° - 21° Capricorn,
is a time during which it is still possible to feel obstacles on the road to reaching a goal. The desire to attract attention, to be valued, can be followed by disappointment. During these days, however, you are vulnerable towards denying to adapt, to follow socially acceptable behavior. And this can lead to temporary disturbance, to directly rejecting all kinds of norms. In the end, this is also a way to attract attention and also to be valued, independently of the seemingly unacceptable behavior.