Dimitris Pandermalis added that the museum can not accommodate all the books that the committee approves, but only those which believe that they need. This need is determined by the demand. "Visitors to the Acropolis Museum are serious people, customers who want certain types of books. We respond to demand and comply with it." About the publishers’ discontent and lack of feedback from the Committee for the selection of titles, the museum director said that there is not enough staff to keep constant communication between the museum and book publishers. He said he plans to meet the representatives of the Union of publishers to clarify the issues and to find a solution.
"There is an idea that the culture can be turned into trade. We in the Acropolis Museum say 'No' to such a thought. It is absolutely normal that when someone visits the museum he wants to buy something that is associated with what he saw in it. In this sense, the bookstore and the souvenir shop are not just retail outlets, but another part of the museum. Of these, of course, the museum has some revenues that are important to us, but they are not crucial ", said Dimitris Pandermalis.