There were long queues of poor citizens at lunchtime in Rouf Gym (on the corner of Piraeus and 69 Ehelidon Street) who wanted to receive free lunch – free meals were once again provided by the social services of the Municipality of Athens.
Free food was provided to the homeless and disadvantaged citizens in the presence of Mayor George Kaminis.
Besides the traditional Easter dishes, gifts provided by sponsors were also given to the poor Athenians.
According to the social services, 1,000 packages of free food were distributed.
The Orthodox Church gave free lunch throughout the country, and many municipalities organized celebrations for residents with traditional Easter dishes.

Meanwhile, the traffic police provided evidence that 10% fewer Athenians have left the capital city for the holidays this year in comparison to last year.
In particular, on Friday, 11 April until Holy Saturday 382,859 cars passed the points on the Athens-Corinth Highway, while they were 394,948 in 2013, or a decrease of 3.1%.
This year, 304,478 vehicles passed the points on the highway Athens-Lamia for the same period, and last year there were 365,335, corresponding to a decrease of about 17%.