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Revived interest in the private islands

15 July 2012 / 15:07:03  GRReporter
5328 reads

Even in this situation, however, the value of a private island varies between 5 and 10 million euro, or even more. The price depends on where exactly the island is located, at what distance it is from the mainland, what the area is and, of course, whether it is suitable or not for developing any activity, even of a lighter nature.

As notes Mike Vassiliou, manager of "ΝAI Real Estate", "the most important thing for an island is to be located near the land, or at least close to another inhabited island, in order to be easily connected to the networks for the supply of community services. Respectively, in addition to the necessary size (i.e. it should not be a very tiny isle), it will have to equipped with one or several natural ports for convenient access. Another important characteristic is the availability of underground water because of the necessary drilling", Vassiliou emphasizes. The most important, of course, is to have the required licences (for example, ownership document, inheritance contract or parental endowment, etc.), for the transfer of property.

Tags: private Greek islands sale raised interest direct profits
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