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The sea is my life

23 October 2010 / 18:10:26  GRReporter
5559 reads

About the gym

Greece is a blessed place if it comes to sea. But the young people prefer to work out in the gym. To work on specific muscle, sweating, to overwork. And most importantly, they do not rest mentally. And swimming is wonderful. You work out the entire body and relax. From time to time I’m also going to the gym, but mainly in winter. I have home gym equipment, I do various exercises. But it is one thing to be closed in the gym or at home, and it is completely different to be out in the fresh air amidst nature.


Young Greeks are increasingly caring for their body line

Recently the Greek women pay much attention to their body. I would say that they care about it from very early age. This is also very good for their health and appearance. I am very glad that the girls have already changed their attitude to sport and care for their body. I also see that many young boys now take time for exercise. Increasingly, you can see youngsters with tight abdomen. Once upon a time it was not like this.


For me it is important to feel good

For me it is very important to feel good. I pay particular attention to my diet. I also keep diets. I have tried various methods for weight loss and weight maintenance. I try, I see which one has the best result and I follow it. But this requires patience, persistence and... hunger.

Tags: sea swimming sport Greece life
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