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Sexual services from minors for € 5

06 December 2014 / 14:12:49  GRReporter
2212 reads

Two children, victims of trafficking, have been infected with HIV through having sex with people who did not use protection. The case was reported by Dzanetos Antipas, President of the Praxis NGO, at a press conference within a Thessaloniki event, dedicated to human rights and the fight against corruption.

"From the 15 children – aged between 8 and 14 – victims of 2014 human trafficking and placed in the care of our organization, 2, who had been forced into prostitution, are HIV positive," said Antipas. He added that what was paid for having unprotected sex with the minors was 5 euros.

Antipas spoke about the exhibition with photographs of seropositive women organized 30 months ago, and said that the telephone line of the organisation received 6,500 calls from clients of the women in that period, who claimed to have had sex with them without using condoms.

"These calls were received within only three days. So you can imagine the size of this phenomenon in Greece during the economic crisis, when women and children have been forced into unprotected sex" stressed Antipas.

Meanwhile, the police in Thessaloniki has caught up with a 51-year-old man in Ambelokipoi. He posed as the owner of a modelling agency and forced his victims to pose naked or half-naked in front of his camera.

The apprehended man hunted for minors mainly on the Internet, in chat rooms or social networks. According to the indictment, he promised teenagers careers as models, a good life and plenty of money. This way he managed to talk them into visiting his apartment in Ambelokipoi, where he photographed and filmed them. He sold the footage to a specific web site, where it was uploaded.

The scam was quite profitable. According to the police, the arrested man earned € 2.7 million from the publication of photos and videos in the period 2003-2013.

The man, who according to information had worked as a property developer in the past, requested the girls’ IDs to sign modelling contracts with companies. This way he won their confidence. In social networks, he presented various non-existent persons as his associates or partners.

The investigation in the apartment, which the suspect had rented, led to the finding and confiscating of computers, CDs, external hard drives and memory cards with pornographic materials.

Tags: human trafficking HIV-positive children sexual exploitation pornographic photos
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