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Stars are propitious to us in July too

01 July 2014 / 17:07:31  GRReporter
7087 reads

     In this article I will present the astrological picture for the period from 1 - 31 July. I will start with the general picture as a whole and then I will make the individual forecasts.
    In the previous article, I informed you that the New Moon, which marked the month of June, would occur in a section the symbolism of which is associated with "the most beautiful; the most fruitful; the most sublime". All obstacles would be removed and nothing could stop endeavours that were full of desire, purpose and inspiration. Some special enthusiasm would appear in society as well as the desire to share skills and to experiment. June was the month in which a lot of funds and resources of all kinds would be accumulated to be used later when unexpected situations would occur.
     In terms of politics, social life and community, there would be an effort to amass that might seem a bit excessive and unnecessary from today's perspective. The material side of life in all its diversity would come to the fore. Everyone would be "hunting" for money and resources. One way or another, the world would be getting in order from a purely material perspective, wealth would be distributed and positions consolidated in order for favourable financial, industrial and material contracts to be signed. Jupiter moved through the most favourable section of the whole zodiac. Therefore, in combination with the point of the New Moon, June emerged as a very successful month as a whole. Whatever you were able to obtain in June would prove to be one of the best deals that you had ever made.
     The middle of June indicated that individuals, who had been destined to be prominent, respected and superior, to do grand things for humanity would come to the fore. This referred both to countries and to smaller unions, such as companies, teams, organizations.
    The third retrograde phase of Mercury, which usually disturbs our everyday life because we are faced with some type of confusion, mistakes, failures, marked the days from 7 - 30 June. From this perspective, this is really annoying but these mistakes and disturbances happen to awaken us and to make us pay attention to something we have failed to see so far.
     The abundance promised by June had its downside as well. I expected that if there were some natural phenomena, they would be more intense and brighter than usual, causing some major damage in our lives.
     What can we expect in July 2014?
     The New Moon that marks July occurs in an area that is associated with God's justice. The meaning is that one should be cautious when acting to achieve something, complying with everything around him or her. Actually, this period is very suitable for identifying your targets, for finding the correct application of your forces, as a hunter who identifies the target that is achievable and which he has the power to shoot. Do not bet on goals that are beyond your knowledge, skills, abilities and, last but not least, beyond your means. The disappointments and losses could subsequently be devastating.
     In social and political terms, there will be strong desires and aspirations to conquer. Materialism, the headlong rush to obtain a larger portion of earthly goods, will prevail as well. The redistribution of global wealth will continue in July. There will be a serious risk of misdirected forces that will bring more harm than good. The second ten days of the month will be especially active. We will see a lot of changes during the month, in unison with the fact that "change is the surest thing in life." There tends to be a more unstable political and social scene on which risks will be taken but some of them will be the result of one’s desire to shine, to prove oneself, rather than of one’s actual capacity to cope with things.
     The same applies on the personal level and there may be a lot of people around you who will bring instability and changes in your life, guided by their own personal goals disregarding your wishes and intentions.
     However, July is a month that I can call again successful, as it will allow for a very good development and advancement in terms of your endeavours in life. The key point is to make the right decision, assess your strengths and skills, assess all the consequences and if you can handle them. Do not throw away what comes to you and what is offered to you just because it seems too insignificant or because it is violating your comfort - it is beneficial and will bring you many advantages. In practice, within a few months, from June onwards, the social strata will rearrange and land resources will be redistributed. "The ball will start rolling" and one will drop out whereas another will start going up.
     On 16 July, Jupiter, the symbol of opportunities, wealth and prosperity, will enter the tropical zodiac sign of Leo. In this sign, Jupiter provokes the creativity of people as well as growth and progress, it strengthens our individual side, expands the conceptual world of humans, turns the inner vision into real purposes. However, it also provokes some foolish manifestations of the ego that can be very dangerous and may bring more destruction than good, as well as situations of the "much ado about nothing" kind. The initial steps of Jupiter in the sign of Leo are accompanied by "shrinking, thickening" events, events that seem to oppress and restrict us. Only then do creation and growth come. Like the fact that water must first be confined to a bed to become a deep river.

     In terms of natural phenomena, the whole month can bring phenomena that are brighter and larger than the usual norms and boundaries. As if everything in the world, both good and bad, will become magnified and we will see it and feel it on a larger scale.
     I will now write how July will affect the various sectors of the zodiac, what topics it will provoke and what type of events you can expect. I will make a brief analysis of all of them. Find your date of birth in the descriptions below.
     29 December - 9 January
     In July, the general atmosphere seems to be more annoying for you, bringing tension and difficult relationships that are mainly associated with your way of life, work environment and responsibilities. There will be some obstacles you will have to deal with. You will put a lot of energy into your home, family, things that make you feel secure but it is desirable to postpone initiatives in this direction. July is favourable for activities and plans that have been already started. Your financial operations will face a sudden development and will bring new challenges. It is possible that you may deal with banks, loans, joint assets, heritages. Your love life will be favourable in the second half of the month.
     10 January - 22 January
     In July, the general atmosphere will be lively for you, and cheerful and inspiring despite the accompanying events. The month is good for every type of competition, for proving yourself, for prevailing and winning. You will put your energy into circumstances related to brothers/sisters, personal endeavours and initiatives, into overcoming some resistance. There will be an active movement, trips, a lot of communication. The financial sector will be productive and you will be successful in terms of business or personal partnerships. Your love life will be particularly favourable in the first half of the month.
     23 January - 4 February
     In July, the general atmosphere will bring more confrontation, impulsiveness, willingness to risk and issues related to brothers/sisters, personal endeavours and initiatives will be mainly affected. You will be faced with some weakness. You will put your energy into a general improvement in the conditions in which you live, by expansion, by making some investment or obtaining something. In financial terms, the conditions will be more unpleasant and irritating, and will put pressure on you. You will be required to enter into some engagements. Your love life will be placed in a new environment, but if you undertake something, the second half of the month will be more favourable.
     5 February - 17 February
     In July, the general atmosphere will be very productive for creating something, strengthening your position, finding nice things and people for yourself. It will be directed more towards the fun side of life. Benefits will come to you, but mostly in the form of people and a circle of close friends that support you. You will put your energy into ventures that are more inspirational and go slightly beyond the material side of life. In financial terms, there will be stability and it is possible for you to do something that you want, regarding the matters related to your home, family, children. Your love life will be in harmony too.
     18 February - 3 March
     In July, the general atmosphere will be working in every sense as a lot of work, some changes related to your personal skills and abilities are awaiting you. It is possible that some of you may change jobs or positions. Your will put your energy into your social circle and friends in order to find benefactors and patrons, to achieve a desired goal and intentions. In financial terms, there will be some weakness, confrontation, a collision with obstacles. You will be exposed to some risks, but be careful. Your love life will be in a good phase and may present opportunities for new relationships.
     4 March - 16 March
     In July, the general atmosphere will be good for you in terms of your social circle as well as in terms of the realization of personal goals and intentions, and of obtaining benefits. Helpful people will come to you, old friends, who you need, will return, you will find protectors and benefactors. You will put your energy into your career, professional development, education, relationships with reputable people. The financial conditions will be very good and suitable for material gains, investments, for finding new sources. Your love life will be a bit challenging and will require you to make decisions. Some of you can decide on marriage or enter into a serious relationship.
     17 March - 30 March
     In July, the general atmosphere will be productive and beneficial, especially in terms of career, professional development, education. Some of you may go on favourable long distance trips and contact important reputable people. You will put your energy into taking up some positions and dealing with a twist in life or a sudden change. You will encounter opposition in some of your relations. In financial terms, there will be some kind of a start, it is possible for you to make changes related to your job and positions, to start a new project or to participate in new things. Your love life will face a conflict and challenges.

     31 March - 12 April

     In July, the general atmosphere will be tense and tiresome, bringing challenges to you. It is possible that you may encounter something that will upset your plans and will bring something broken. You will put your energy mainly into relations with people around you and into partnerships, both personal and professional. You will strive for achievements related to a relationship, contract, agreement. In financial terms, the situation will be very favourable, you will achieve some goals and desires and will find patrons and benefactors. Your love life will be faced with obstacles, there will be some blockage in it, with which you will have to deal.
     13 April - 26 April
     In July, the general atmosphere will be especially supportive, sustaining and favourable. There will be good news for you, you may travel or be successful in terms of partnerships, both personal and professional, and in relations with others in general. You will put your energy into improving a significant part of your everyday life, committing yourself and into getting rid of things in your way. Your financial situation will be very good, especially with regard to career, professional development, education, relationships with reputable persons. Your love life will present some opportunities for achieving something that you want.
     27 April - 10 May
     In July, the general atmosphere will be very tense and hostile to you. You will encounter difficulties, unexpected obstacles that will require you to invest more effort than usual to deal with them. You will be faced with a lot of harder work. You will put your energy into ensuring your security and stability, into standing on your own two feet to cope with competition and rivals. You will need stabilization also in terms of home, family and children. The situation in financial terms will be difficult, something unexpected will come, associated with joint assets, loans or banks. Your love life will be unstable too but it will stabilize in the second half of the month.
     11 May - 23 May
     In July, the general atmosphere will be extremely fruitful, favourable and beneficial. You will achieve some success. The situation relating to your home, family, children will be particularly good. You will put your energy into personal initiatives, taking risks and into your relationships with brothers/sisters or associates. If there are some obstacles, they are a sign that you should withdraw rather than keep them. In financial terms, the situation will be successful, you will have the opportunity to establish successful partnerships, both personal and professional; you will receive support and assistance through contracts, agreements, alliances. Your love life will be on the upswing.
     24 May - 6 June
     In July, the general atmosphere will be especially provocative, full of dynamics, communication, movement. Competition will appear from every angle that will make you take riskier steps. Relationships with brothers/sisters and associates may be more unpleasant. You will put your energy primarily into the financial field and material circumstances. In financial terms, you will be faced with serious challenges and hard work. Your love life will undergo a major renovation. Those who are not in a relationship will have a chance for a new beginning.
     7 June - 20 June  
     In July, the general atmosphere will be very satisfactory, with different developments, especially in the direction of help, support and financial positives. You will put your energy into work, knowledge, skills, abilities, new projects and plans. Some of you may change jobs and positions. There will be a lot of work for you during the month. Your financial condition will be good, you will be able to achieve the desired success, to stand upon sure ground. Your love life will be seemingly calm, but the second half of the month will bring new developments and news to you.
     21 June - 4 July
     In July, the general atmosphere will have a very personal beginning associated with your image, appearance, behaviour, manners. You will have a personal upsurge and a chance to become stronger. You will put your energy into your social circle, friends, benefactors, in order to achieve personal goals and intentions. You will make a change in this direction and some of your friends may drop out of your circle. In financial terms, there will be a lot of dynamics, competition and you will have to act, take initiatives and endeavours. You will have to deal with some challenges and take some risks. Your love life will be harmonious and calm.
     5 July - 18 July
     In July, the general atmosphere will be quiet, a bit like the calm before the storm. You will greatly benefit from your social circle. You will find new friends, benefactors, to help you accomplish your personal goals and intentions. It is better to refrain from initiatives during the month and postpone them. You will put your energy into career, professional development, education, relationships with employers and other reputable people. In financial terms, the situation will be very favourable, you will have tangible benefits, investments, good sources of income. Your love life will be harmonious and beneficial.

     19 July - 1 August

     In July, the general atmosphere will be calm, things will happen with ease, especially those related to career, professional development, education, relationships with employers or other reputable people. You will have the necessary support, and you will benefit, from them. You will put your energy into going through a change in life and you may deal with joint property, banks, loans. In financial terms, you will be at the starting point – you will introduce some innovations, laying a new foundation. Everything that affects you personally, including your appearance, image, behaviour and manners, will have a chance to be "put" into new clothes. Your love life will develop favourably.
     2 August - 15 August
     In July, the general atmosphere will be a little irritating, you may be faced with difficulties that, albeit insignificant, will disturb the peaceful course of days. This will affect mainly situations related to joint resources, sudden and unexpected situations, banks, loans. You will put your energy into relationships with others and partnerships, both personal and professional. Conflict situations are not excluded either – you may cancel a contract or agreement. In financial terms, the situation is very good and you can find protection and support from your social circle and accomplish your personal goals and intentions. Your love life will be quite active and slightly tense.
     16 August - 29 August
     In July, the general atmosphere will be successful, happy and you will enjoy some luck. This is especially true for your social interaction, for your relations with others as a whole and it is particularly true for your partnerships, both personal and professional. You will be able to create good and successful alliances. You will put your energy into coping with some challenges in life that disturb your daily round. In financial terms, you should "rest" as the month is not appropriate for financial activities and transactions. Nevertheless, it will be successful in terms of career, professional development, education. Your love life will be harmonious, active and fruitful.
     30 August - 12 September
     In July, the general atmosphere will be slightly hostile, you will be faced with irritating situations mostly due to circumstances related to your lifestyle and daily round, routine work tasks and responsibilities. Things you no longer want to endure will come to the fore too. You will put your energy into your home, family, children, personal comfort and inner satisfaction. Beware of family conflicts. In financial terms, the situation will be active, you will receive some news, you will have access to foreign resources and will resolve issues related to joint property. Your love life will offer active communication and opportunities.
     13 September - 25 September
     In July, the general atmosphere will be favourable and appropriate especially in terms of home, family, children, personal comfort and satisfaction. You will put your energy into personal initiatives and endeavours, into embarking on something slightly adventurous and taking some risks. A lot of dynamics, short trips, enhanced communication at all levels are awaiting you. Your relationships with brothers/sisters and associates may become tense and you may meet with resistance. In financial terms, the situation will be associated with success, some luck will come to you as well as help and support. Your love life will go through stabilization and progress and there will be optimism in it.
     26 September - 9 October
     In July, the general atmosphere will be quite tiring and exhausting. This will be provoked by circumstances related to the emergence of rivals, competition, the need for a lot of movement, communication, personal endeavours. Relations with brothers/sisters and associates will be affected too. You will put your energy primarily into the financial field and into matters associated with material possessions, property, personal resources, investment. In financial terms, it will be necessary to take care of routine things, to enter into engagements and to cope with duties. Your love life will be very prolific. The month will bring progress and development in it.
     10 October - 22 October
     In July, the general atmosphere will be expansive, progressive, optimistic. The circumstances associated with the material side of your life will evolve and progress, they will bear good fruit, creating conditions for possessions and investment. You will put your energy into yourself - appearance, image, body, manners, behaviour. Nevertheless, beware of incidents that can cause injury to you or affect your personal image. In financial terms, the situation will be encouraging, there will be good opportunities related to your home, family, children, property. Your love life will be in a quiet phase, allowing you to make some plans.
     23 October - 4 November
     In July, the general atmosphere will be very productive and fruitful, primarily affecting your personal efficiency. You will have the opportunity to "sow" something that you will develop, to be involved in a new project because of your personal skills and knowledge. You will put your energy into your social circle, friends, protectors, you will obtain support to accomplish some personal goals and intentions. You can make a little abrupt change in this direction. In financial terms, the situation will not be very favourable, it will be slightly below the mark, becoming exhausting for you and requiring you to deal with some difficulties. Your love life will be harmonious.

     5 November - 18 November

     In July, the general atmosphere will be favourable especially in terms of matters affecting your social circle, personal desires and intentions, you will find new friends, benefactors, some protection. You will put your energy into your career, professional development, education, relationships with employers or other reputable persons. Be careful not to become entangled with people from whom you are expecting something. In financial terms, there will be optimism, as you will have opportunities for growth and progress as well as for improvements through material possessions and for an increase in your personal resources. Your love life will be shaken in the first half of the month.
     19 November - 1 December
     In July, the general atmosphere will be favourable. You will have support and protection, mainly in terms of career, professional development, education, employers, or other reputable persons. You will put your energy into mental and intellectual activity to resolve the arising problems, to deal with some kind of a life twist. In financial terms, there will be some renewal, you will start a new project or harness your knowledge and skills in a new direction, you will create a new or additional source of income. Your love life will present opportunities for “conquests”.
     2 December - 14 December
     In July, the general atmosphere will be a concern for you, as if someone puts barriers and difficulties at every turn and opposes you. This will be provoked mainly by the people around you and your social circle. You may find yourself in the midst of emergencies due to other people. You will put your energy into relationships with others, partnerships, both personal and professional, into associations and unions. You may go through some splits. In financial terms, the conditions will be favourable, you will receive support and assistance mainly from people who you do not know very well, you may find benefactors and patrons to assist you. Your love life will bring some benefits and advantages.
     15 December - 28 December
     In July, the general atmosphere will be very fruitful, with opportunities for success. This will be due to your relationships with others, partnerships, both personal and professional, to the entry into unions, contracts, agreements. You will put your energy into your daily round, into making improvements, dealing with things that are detrimental to you, into completing old obligations. However, you may be faced with an enemy all along. In financial terms, the situation will be favourable due to your career, professional development, education, employers or other reputable persons. Your love life will go through some unpleasant situations.

Tags: Astrological forecast for JulyNew MoonGod's justiceJupiterTropical sign of Leo
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