Being perfect and faultless in everything is a mission impossible. But each of us strives for perfection and to be the best with regard to our capabilities. Most often, this aspiration is targeted at specific things, it does not occur in all things.
Today’s article is about the areas where we feel an instinctive urge to seek the maximum, to approach almost complete perfection, to achieve the highest possible standards. Sometimes external circumstances that are beyond our control force us to be more critical towards ourselves and to try to be perfect. But this internal pressure comes in response to our inner instinct that pushes us to do something better than we are currently doing.
In the zodiacal circle, Virgo is associated with order, flawless purity, perfection. It symbolizes the need to be better and better, to ‘fine-tune’ everything to the last detail, to eliminate defects. This requires that a person be very critical, both of himself or herself and of others. Virgo has the ability to see everything, even the smallest detail, to analyze details that seem totally insignificant at first glance but that could destroy the result if they are not considered, as the result is for everything to be perfect.
The position of Virgo in the personal horoscope shows the areas in which each person has an innate ability to strive for a continuous improvement, seek higher standards, want the best of everything and be perfect. In these areas, we tend to be particularly critical and unsatisfied, constantly looking for the faults that prevent us from having the best. Naturally, this criticism and discontent is always directed towards other people, not only to ourselves. The thing is that sometimes we make a mess of things - we want others to seek perfection in those things in which we should be the best. Ultimately, Nature has given this talent and abilities to us, so that we can put the best of ourselves into certain areas of life.
Now I will give information about the areas where we should try to be even better, to seek the maximum, to peer into details and faults and to seek perfection. The reading takes place from the Ascendant, as it is the factor that sets the reality in the form of physical conditions, events, and facts. The reading can be done according to the Sun sign under which you were born. The Sun in the personal horoscope is the factor that is responsible for your spiritual purpose.
Ascendant or Sun in Aries
Virgo falls in the sixth house. You have an innate ability to constantly search for improvements, strive for perfection but also to demonstrate a constant criticism and discontent in areas that are mostly related to your work in terms of daily tasks as well as to your personal habits and healthy lifestyle. Your relations with colleagues, employees and the obedience if you are taking a high official post are often tense, precisely because you seek to build the perfect team and be among people who do their job in a professional and perfect manner. If you find yourself among negligent people who have poor working habits, it would be better if you looked for ways to improve yourself in terms of personal working efficiency, teamwork and attitude towards colleagues.
Ascendant or Sun in Taurus
Virgo falls in the fifth house. You have an innate ability to constantly search for improvements and strive for perfection but also to demonstrate a constant criticism and discontent in areas that are associated with your personal creativity, talents and abilities. You are one of those people who have to constantly improve their talents and abilities, who are rarely satisfied with the standards achieved. Love and children, the ability to be happy and have fun are also part of your striving to have the best, to be perfect. If you find yourself among people who seem to know nothing, if you do not obtain enough love from others and if you do not have enough fun, then it would be better if you turned to yourself and your skills, your ability to give love, to enjoy life, to give happiness to others.
Ascendant or Sun in Gemini
Virgo falls in the fourth house. Your innate ability to constantly search for improvements, strive for perfection but also to show constant criticism and dissatisfaction are related to your home, family, parents. You look for the ideal home and the perfect family - you are highly exacting in terms of furniture and the atmosphere in which you live. You want to have a family relationship in which everything is perfect, without excesses and problems. If you find yourself in problematic relationships with your relatives and especially with the people with whom you live (share the same space), try to maintain the best possible order and discipline at home, creating comfort for your family and caring for your relatives.
Ascendant or Sun in Cancer
Virgo falls in the third house. You have an innate ability to constantly search for improvements and strive for perfection but also to show constant criticism and dissatisfaction in areas relating to communication, contacts, the information you receive and provide, education, and to your relationships with brothers/sisters, relatives and neighbours. You look for that perfect way of communicating with the outside world in which all understand each other perfectly, there is no misunderstanding, understatements, offended and hurt people. Often you find yourself in a situation of a "broken telephone" and in such cases, it would be better if you paid attention to how you communicate, how you receive and provide information, to your attitude towards your interlocutors and your level of knowledge.
Ascendant or Sun in Leo
Virgo falls in the second house. Your innate ability to constantly search for improvements and strive for perfection but also to manifest constant criticism and discontent is in areas that are associated with your personal resources that you have available to live normally. This is the money you earn, all items that you use, clothes and not least, food. You look for the best of what the world offers so that you can live comfortably, constantly striving to improve your personal resources. If you find yourself in a situation in which you have no access to items and food that are good enough or the money that you have available is insufficient, then you should pay attention to how you are disposing of money in terms of earning and spending as well as to your attitude to property and food.
Ascendant or Sun in Virgo
Virgo falls in the first house. Your innate ability to constantly search for improvements and strive for perfection but also to demonstrate constant criticism and dissatisfaction is in areas associated with yourself, including your personal self-esteem, behaviour, manners, how you look, how you dress and maintain your image. You look for ways to constantly improve yourself and be perfect, especially as regards your appearance and behaviour. If you find yourself in situations in which you are surrounded by people who are poorly maintained, have unacceptable manners and behaviour, obtaining various criticisms from them, then it would be better if you paid attention to your lifestyle, if you have lost your self-esteem and if you have stopped taking due care of your physique and appearance.
Ascendant or Sun in Libra
Virgo falls in the twelfth house. You have an innate ability to constantly search for improvements and strive for perfection but also to manifest constant criticism and dissatisfaction in areas associated with the sacrifices and compromises you make, with your acts of charity to people. You also strive to achieve the best possible spiritual development as well as some spiritual ideals that are far from the material world. If you find yourself in a situation in which others are not willing to compromise, to show humility and charity, to develop spiritually, it would be better if you paid attention to yourself - perhaps you have lost the connection with yourself and you have focused on the material world too much.
Ascendant or Sun in Scorpio
Virgo falls in the eleventh house. Your innate ability to constantly search for improvements and strive for perfection but also to demonstrate constant criticism and dissatisfaction is in areas that relate to your social life, friendships, to the people on whose support and goodwill you count. You also seek to achieve the perfect success in life, setting ideal goals to pursue, to be part of some elite communities. If you do not like your social and public life any longer, your success no longer satisfies you, then it would be better if you paid attention to your goals and desires, and to your friendships, as they require significant improvements.
Ascendant or Sun in Sagittarius
Virgo falls in the tenth house. Your innate ability to constantly search for improvements and strive for perfection, but also to manifest constant criticism and dissatisfaction is in areas that relate to your professional achievements and career opportunities, continuously to go up the hierarchical ladder and occupy leading professional posts. You look for public positions that provide you with sufficient respect and recognition, with authority and power because of your personal achievements. If you find yourself in situations in which you have no chance to grow professionally, cannot obtain the respect that you deserve, if you are not satisfied with your posts, it would be better if you thought about the profession you have chosen and about how you maintain your professionalism.
Ascendant or Sun in Capricorn
Virgo falls in the ninth house. Your innate ability to constantly search for improvements and strive for perfection, but also to manifest constant criticism and discontent is in areas that are associated with your personal views on life, your moral laws and regulations, with obtaining superior knowledge and in connection with foreigners, distant trips and the teachers in your life. You strive to constantly expand your knowledge, explore the world and life, gather wisdom, find someone or something to deeply believe in and to ‘build’ a perfect personal religion. If you find yourself amidst deep pessimism and nihilism, it would be better if you paid attention to the knowledge you have gathered, the places you have visited and the foreigners you have contacted as they require a change.
Ascendant or Sun in Aquarius
Virgo falls in the eighth house. Your innate ability to constantly search for improvements and strive for perfection, but also to show constant criticism and dissatisfaction is in areas that are associated with other people’s resources that are available to you, namely the financial opportunities of the people with whom you have close relationships as well as with their personal energy and time that they share with you. You look for perfection in your sex life too because you are one of those people who are well aware of the mysterious power of sexual communication. If you find yourself connected to people who cannot offer sufficient resources, if your sex life is unsatisfactory, improve yourself as a sexual partner, as well as your attitude towards other people’s resources (how to use them).
Ascendant or Sun in Pisces
Virgo falls in the seventh house. Your innate ability to constantly search for improvements and strive for perfection, but also to manifest constant criticism and dissatisfaction is in areas related to all kinds of partnerships, but especially to marriage and serious personal relationships. You strive to be known by people in a perfect way, to create the impression that you are a person without flaws, especially with the fact that you have the perfect marriage and partner. If you find yourself in bad partnerships or have partners with an inadequate public image, it would be better if you paid attention to yourself - what you are as a partner, how you are involved in your marriage, what you value in your partner and how you treat your partner.