The deputy has failed in terms of almost every point and argument in the message. He uses the familiar clichés about the Middle Ages, the reactions of the church in relation to ancient customs, and he finally concludes that he was attacked because of his status as a deputy. Furthermore, he does not understand the nature of the reaction, the real reason for my reaction and for that of the other priests. He is wrong in all this.
30 years ago, two children mocked the Holy Sacrament during the carnival in a small town area of Evia, doing exactly what you as deputy did. My reaction was immediate and firm. Those children realized their mistake and apologized. Those children were not deputies but they were criticized like you and even more. So, do not try to make yourself a hero. You are not attacked as a deputy but for your particular action. So, do not pretend that you do not understand.
If you were just dressed as a priest who buried the crisis, no one would have dealt with you. But you mocked one of the most holy things for a Christian, the Holy Sacrament.
You talk about ancient customs but you know that satire has always been related to a specific person and never to the belief of people.
You talk about the Middle Ages but you are wrong again. Many years ago, a television show involved the current Metropolitan of Albania, Anastasios, and his opponent whose name I do not remember. He started talking about the Middle Ages and the Metropolitan began to laugh. His opponent became offended and asked him why he was laughing and the Metropolitan said he did not intend to justify something that did not relate to the Orthodox Church. So, deputy, read more so that you can be aware that the Middle Ages do not relate to the Orthodox Church. Give up the quotes and brief language that is often used by the left wing in relation to the church and see if your attitude towards the church is not medieval, since you do not recognize its right to speak.
As to your "culture", it would be better if you paid special attention to the words of the Metropolitan of Kastoria who says that "what is sacred for one should be respected by all." Your act counteracts your words about the adoption and respect for the belief of the other. It seems that your "respect" excludes the Orthodox Christians in our country and in your city, having insulted them in this way.
In addition, do not look for political motives where none are present. The umbrella under which you have hastened to hide is full of holes.
Finally, I will say a few words about your last argument claiming that I went too far. Mr. Alexis Tsipras honoured me by using a large part of my text during an important meeting of your youth organisation. This seems to show respect for my words. So, I have the right, not only as a priest but also as a citizen of this country, unless you think that we are second-class citizens, to ask him whether your "culture" is the culture of the entire party."
There was another reply by the deputy of SYRIZA
After this message of Metropolitan Pavlos, Vangelis Diamantopoulos replied as follows:
"In the past, I personally applauded the anti-fascist speech of the Metropolitan but that does not mean that his opinion cannot be criticized. It is clear that the mentioning of the Middle Ages on my part refers to the mentality that was typical during this historical period which, as we all know, is related to the Catholic rather than to the Orthodox Church. As for the Holy Sacrament recreated during the carnival, I will only state that various carnivals and other similar events across the country recreate the equally holy sacraments of wedding and confession. Certainly, none of these cases aimed to affect the religious feelings and the Christian faith of the people on the part of the participants in the carnival and neither the citizens involved in the disputable development nor I intended to do so. In connection with the Metropolitan’s comments related to my "culture" and its consistency with the party, which will probably govern the country, I can only reiterate my strong dissatisfaction with this intervention in the political life. It is clear that the priests and the believers in Greece are equal citizens and their possible different attitude on certain issues is normal but when someone is persistently asking the leadership of my party whether it accepts my "culture" then he has definitely gone too far. The respect for the differences is at the heart of the Christian faith and of the values of the left wing. I would like to close this issue with this conviction and appeal since, firstly, it has unfortunately taken on different dimensions which, secondly, are larger than those that it deserves. Personally, I have no intention of going back to the issue of the carnival at a time when the majority of our nation is facing the problem of how to survive and Samaras’ government is still dealing with issues such as wages, pensions, workers' rights and social welfare".