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SYRIZA is emerging as the first political force

03 December 2013 / 17:12:41  GRReporter
2164 reads

A narrow margin of about 0.4% in favour of SYRIZA against New Democracy is the result of the latest poll carried out by GPO, in which 96.7% of Greeks state that they are pessimistic about their financial situation and the country's development over the next few years. At the same time, 96.7% of respondents believe that they are bearing the burden of too many taxes.

In particular, the opinion poll conducted by GPO and commissioned by Mega TV shows the following election attitudes towards the parliamentary elections: the radical left SYRIZA party receives 20.4% of the vote, New Democracy 20%, the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn 8.4%, the Communist Party KKE 5.9%, PASOK 5.8%, Panos Kamenos’ party Independent Greeks 5.2% and Democratic Left 4%.

In reply to the question who is the most suitable for Prime Minister, 40.5% of respondents vote in favour of the present Prime Minister, Antonis Samaras, 27.7% for the leader of SYRIZA, Alexis Tsipras, and 29.9% of respondents reply "Neither of the two".

64.5% of respondents say no to early elections whereas 34.1% support this option.

The government should complete its mandate as stated by 54.3% of respondents, the opinion of 44.3 % being the opposite.

Regarding their attitude towards political leaders, 39% have a positive attitude towards Antonis Samaras, 36% support the leader of Democratic Left, Fotis Kouvelis, 35.5% Alexis Tsipras, 27.8% the secretary general of the Communist Party, Dimitris Koutsoumbas, 25% Panos Kamenos and 12.9% support the leader of Golden Dawn, Nikolaos Michaloliakos.

"SYRIZA is not ready to govern alone" as stated by 73.6% of respondents whereas 24.3% think the opposite.

The election attitudes towards the European elections are as follows: SYRIZA 20%, New Democracy 19.2%, Golden Dawn 8%, the Communist Party KKE 5.8%, PASOK 5.4%, Independent Greeks 5.4%, Democratic Left 3.6% and 19.8% of respondents say they have not decided yet.

68.9% of respondents indicate as a criterion for voting in the election of Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) Greece being retained within the euro zone and 22.7% want the opposite, namely  for the country to exit the euro zone.

The majority of Greek citizens are pessimistic

63% of respondents believe that over the next two or three years their living conditions will worsen whereas this rate was 59% in October.

Responding to the same question, 19.9% ​​(22.7% in October) of respondents believe that their quality of life will remain at today's levels and only 15.6% think that it will improve.

The poll also shows that 62.8% of citizens negatively assess the government's efforts to deal with the crisis and 71.4% believe that the financial policy is not achieving its goals.

Furthermore, 63.1% of respondents believe that the economy will deteriorate in coming years.

As for the parties, the trust of 48.4% of respondents in the party for which they voted a year and a half ago is declining.

Regarding the opposition tactic of SYRIZA, 70.1% of respondents it negatively and 27% positively.

In relation to the political polarization, 88.8% of respondents believe that it does not help in combating the crisis and 68.2% believe that there must be a strong political party between New Democracy and SYRIZA.

Furthermore, 30.4% believe that this polarization is due to SYRIZA, 22.7% believe that it is New Democracy’s fault and 14.6% think that PASOK has to assume responsibility for it.

The possible proposal for cooperation between the centre-left parties in the elections for MEPs is evaluated as positive by 45% of respondents.

However, 55.5% of respondents negatively assess the possible proposal for cooperation between the centre-right parties in the same elections.

Tags: PollSyrizaNew DemocracyPASOK
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