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They will either submit the data or their subsidies will be ceased

11 December 2010 / 12:12:35  GRReporter
2701 reads

Many universities refuse to provide data for teachers and employees in the faculties who have family relations, as well as for the number of students. A few weeks ago the scandal broke out with the Faculty of Social Theology, where it was found that there are numerous violations related to appointments of family members of the staff that led to the proposal for closure of the faculty.

From now on the penalty for universities, if they refuse to cooperate with the Ministry of Education, will be to stop their subsidies. On Saturday, deans of universities have an important meeting in Lavrio, during which they will present their standpoints on the bill about the education reforms. Deputy Minister Yannis Panaretos announced this measure, as many high schools and colleges did not submit the data which had been requested about the recruitment of teachers, relatives of already employed teachers in the given faculties, as well as for the number of students and the average calculated period for their graduation. "For the financial year 2011 funding of high schools and colleges will be done according to the percentage of credit granted by the Ministry of Finance. But if any educational institution does not send in due time the data that is requested by the Ministry of Education and which are considered to be necessary for carrying out the educational policy, its funding will be suspended until it fulfill its obligation", said Mr. Panaretos.

Among the targeted by the Deputy Minister of Education falls the University of Macedonia in Thessaloniki, after the investigation of the auditors of the State Administration registered violations, and deficiencies in the administration.

"A thorn in the side" of the deans of universities is the proposal in the bill for higher education, for a new selection method of the Dean Council, but also the new ways to pay teachers. Some of the students are still seething with wild passions and they decided to continue the occupation until Wednesday, when there isn’t great participation – the nine majors of the National Polytechnic University have joined, three faculties of the University of Athens (Law, Philosophy and Mass Communication) and the Academy of Applied Arts.

Ministry ended also the vocational colleges and technical schools and is considering the idea to create a technical college which will have the same level of degree as the mainstream schools and will give the right to exercise a profession to its students. To improve the quality of technical and vocational education, the Minister of Education Anna Diamandopoulou proposed for the education in this new type of technical college to have a duration of three years and to evaluate each school and a professional college individually. The new colleges will provide education in the general subjects but also complete technical and vocational training, and their graduates can continue their education at universities. Apart from that, will also be considered the opportunity for continuing the education for another year so that students in vocational schools to ensure better opportunities for employment and their diploma will have a higher professional level than that of a the technical colleges.

Tags: News universities appointments family relations subsidies funding students
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