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VAT 21%, the excise duties on cigarettes, alcohol and fuels are increased

04 March 2010 / 10:03:03  GRReporter
7304 reads

“The measures are heavy, painful and with doubtful efficiency,” says the chairman of the National confederation of the Greek tradesmen Vasilis Korkidis. According to him there are no prerequisites for the provision of an economic growth which will lead to a long recession with unpredictable results. Korkidis is definite that in order to avoid a mass explosion the government has to clearly define the time frame of the additional measures. The opinion of the chairman of the Athens commercial industrial chamber Kostadinos Mihalos is similar. According to him the new measures are in the wrong direction. Mihalos believes that the government is threatening to suffocate the internal market which will inevitably lead to the bankruptcy of many small and medium sized companies. According to him with the bankruptcy of the small corporations taxpayers the unemployment will increase out of control and the income in the national treasury will suddenly decrease.

On the other hand the chairman of EUROGROUP Jean Claude Juncker congratulated the Greek government on the daring and decisive measures which it introduced and expressed his confidence that Greece will execute the four percent decrease of the national deficit by the end of 2010. The minister of finance of Germany Wolfgang Schomple also welcomed the actions of the Prime Minister George Papandreou and said that the additional measures in Greece will help it to rehabilitate the stability of the common European currency.

Tags: EconomyMarketsPoliticsSociety
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