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The whole northern hemisphere is affected by the nuclear radiation released by Fukushima

14 April 2011 / 19:04:30  GRReporter
5910 reads

However, we would like to believe that appropriate ways of solving the problem and limiting the threat would be found, because French nuclear experts from the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development and nuclear technologists from General Electric, the technology of which was used to build the 55 nuclear reactors in Japan, are already in Fukushima. But this is something we would expect. For now, the news coming from there are not good. For example, the International Atomic Energy Agency determined today (13:04) the general situation in Fukushima as very serious. This means that the works carried out yielded insignificant results and we do not know what to expect. No one must speak with assumptions in such cases.

Do you think that this whole situation would cause a serious global discussion on the use of nuclear energy?

I do not think it will happen. And that is because the nuclear lobby on the planet is very strong. The big nuclear and military industries produce reactors to sell them. And when they sell, they expect profits and other benefits. They are not startled by such accidents. Whether an accident would happen, which is always possible, does not concern them and they neither restrict the production, nor do the countries stop the installation of reactors. Let us not forget that the governments are subject to pressure from the nuclear lobby to install reactors, just because of the large profits they expect.

But even leaving that aside, the countries need huge quantities of energy. How could they produce such quantities otherwise? 6.85 billion people live in the world today and they will have reached 9 billion by 2030. And how could they be provided with electricity? Consequently, nuclear energy is a necessary evil.

Let me explain: I am for nuclear energy, but I can not ignore the failure of compliance with major requirements in the installation of a nuclear reactor in a country. The Japanese have 55 reactors, and you see that they are unable to cope with one incident. And they should be aware of these things from scratch. They should always be prepared and have the knowledge of what they must do in such a case. What they show now is a state of panic. They have raised their hands and wait for help "from above". Well, this does not seem very good. Whose side should I take in this case? Should I pretend that I do not see this?

But nuclear power will not be discontinued as it did not happen after the accident in Chernobyl. 25 years passed and the people forgot about it. If the accident in Japan had not happened on the 26th of April, everyone would talk about the anniversary on the 25th year from the explosion of the reactors in Chernobyl. I think it is ridiculous to talk about anniversary, when we talk about such a catastrophe for humanity. However, the today's crisis with the power plant in Fukushima also will be forgotten over time.

Tags: SocietyNuclear accidentFukushimaChernobylRadiationNuclear power
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