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Why electricity in Greece is so expensive

08 August 2013 / 16:08:58  GRReporter
8545 reads

· The new bills of the Public Power Corporation which affect large customers of medium voltage electric power contain significant reductions in fees.

· For large high voltage enterprises for which the total bills had remained unchanged since July 2008, the new bills offer significant improvements in the structure and prices, according to the consumption profile of each customer.

· With regard to the presence of separate conditions in the offers of the Public Power Corporation which are contrary to the regulatory framework, these statements do not correspond to reality.

· The Public Power Corporation submits in writing the new bills to each customer offering the best price depending on the consumer profile, thus enabling the customers to choose the type of bill and to proceed to sign the contract for the supply of electricity.

The attitude towards the new bills of the Public Power Corporation is considered as positive in general and it is clear that early assessments in either direction are not grounded and create false impressions of a significant initiative that aims to support the Greek economy and competitiveness."

Tags: Public Power CorporationNew pricesIndustrial enterprises
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