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Four Greek companies among the top 110 in Europe

10 February 2016 / 18:02:32  GRReporter
8624 reads

Four Greek companies rank among the best businesses in Europe, as shown by the results of the second stage of the European Business Awards competition. The 110 winning companies have received the honorary Ruban d 'Honneur award.

The four Greek companies are from different sectors:

Coffee Island, coffee production and trade, has received the ELITE Award for Growth Strategy of the Year.

Megas Yeeros, trading in meat for gyros (kebab), has received the Import/Export Award.


Pharmadata, a pharmaceutical company winning the Award for Customer Focus.

Vikos, a mineral water and soft drinks bottling company has received the Business of the Year Award with Turnover of 26-150 million euro.

In addition, the four Greek companies will participate in the final stage of the contest to compete for the Best Company in Europe title in their respective categories. The public voting will be continuing until 26 February to nominate the National Public Champion among the national champions of each country. The results will be announced on 7 March.

The national public champions of each country will continue their participation in the voting, but already at the European level in order for the European Public Champion to be nominated. The company that will win the title will be announced in the final of the competition at the end of June.

European Business Awards are the only awards for business excellence and best business practices in Europe.

Tags: EconomyCompaniesEuropean Business Awards
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