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Greek Easter Sweet Bread

09 April 2015 / 15:04:31  GRReporter
12234 reads

Store the Tsoureki wrapped in a towel to keep it fresh for 3 - 4 days and prevent drying out.


Kalo Pascha! Happy Easter!


* Mastic can become inherently sticky so to prevent problems when you grind or pulverize it, first freeze it for about 15 minutes then add 2 tsp of the sugar to it. Put in a plastic bag and bash with a rolling pin or hammer, or grind in a pestle and mortar, to obtain a powder


** If you have not bought ready-dyed red eggs and wish to make your own - and if you cannot find the packaged red dye for eggs - , here is a link to a traditional dying method using onion skins!

Tags: Tsoureki Greek Easter Bread Dough Sweet Bread Mediterranean recipes Red eggs
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