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Greeks from around the world help a 28-year-old girl suffering from cancer

10 February 2016 / 19:02:48  GRReporter
9169 reads

28-year-old Dionisia Paraschi from Zakynthos will be transported by government plane to Boston, USA, to undergo a heart surgery to remove a tumour.

At the initiative of Deputy Minister of Sports Stavros Kondonis, the Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras was informed of Dionisia’s health problem and he immediately provided the government aircraft fully equipped with medical apparatuses to transport the girl to the United States.

However, there was a delay yesterday evening because according to the sources, the supervising doctors did not give the "green light" for Dionisia’s trip to Boston.

Touching for the family is the help by the Greeks who are living in the United States and who have expressed full support.

The football players of Greece’s national team have also rushed to assist by participating in the solidarity fund that has been created to raise the funds necessary for the life-saving surgery.

The captain of the national football team Vassilis Torosidis said on this occasion, "As active citizens we feel the need in every possible way to return Greek society a bit of the love it has generously demonstrated to us all these years. My teammates and I sincerely hope that everything is fine with Dionisia. I wish her and her family courage and let them know that the prayers of us all are with them. I also hope our initiative will find followers. Let everyone do whatever they could to help Dionisia fight the disease. Every help will be inestimable."

And here is the message that Dionisia Paraschi herself has published on her Facebook profile:

"I am Dionisia Paraschi. My friends call me Denia. In March, I will be 28 years old. I have been diagnosed with a rare form of cancer near the heart. Everyone says that the battle with cancer is uneven, especially when you do not have the financial ability to be treated by the appropriate physicians. I ask that you offer me what is possible, so that I can continue to dream, to keep living. It is not my nature to dramatize situations but in this case, every positive thought, the smallest contribution will give me the impetus to keep going. Thank you from the heart!

National Bank of Greece
Bank account number: 345/747546-27
IBAN: GR 7701 10345 00000 34574754627
Account holder: Paraschis Spyridon Georgiou

Tags: Life-saving surgeryGovernment aircraftSupportNational football team
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