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Kos residents do not want a hotspot on the island, the government sends the riot forces

03 February 2016 / 13:02:40  GRReporter
3852 reads

The discontented residents of the island of Kos who are protesting against the construction of a hotspot were out in the streets of the island shortly before Panos Kammenos arrived there.

The Sinuk helicopter that transported the leader of Independent Greeks to the island failed to land where it should because the protesters noticed it and reacted violently, thus ending up in a clash with the police.

Panos Kammenos was expected to arrive at the state airport Hippocrates but being unable to land the machine the pilot flew over the area and headed to the island of Leros. In the end, the helicopter landed at the base of the equestrian club of Kos.

Earlier in the morning, the government had sent to the island a detachment of the riot police forces, fearing the reaction of the citizens against the arrival of Panos Kammenos. The police arrived on the island of Kos at 07:15 pm today to prepare the grounds for the arrival of the Minister of Defence.

According to, in anticipation of the visit of the Minister, the residents had blocked the access to the site owned by Nikos Kantartzis, which was offered for the building of a hotspot on the island.

To recall that last August some angry residents received the Minister of Defence in Kos by throwing bottles and eggs at him. Panos Kammenos was thus quickly chased away and had to be evacuated.

Tags: Panos KammenosKosHotspotProtestsHelicopterRiot forces
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