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Modern and pluralistic Europe is not able to protect itself from the invasion of Islam

29 January 2016 / 16:01:50  GRReporter
10876 reads

At the same time, he criticized Europe's lack of strategy in the management of the refugee crisis. "The very definition of ‘refugee’ is far from perfect." Even the Syrians are coming to Greece not from Syria but from Turkey, which is not at war and their lives are not threatened there. Therefore they should be regarded not as refugees but as migrants." Andrianopoulos described as hypocritical the proposal of Financial Times’ columnist Gideon Rachman for the Greek government debt write off in return for which Greece should keep all migrants on its territory. He did mention the responsibilities of the Greek state, indicating that it could interrupt the flow by deploying patrol vessels on the sea border, which would not allow boats to enter the Greek territorial waters.

Andrianopoulos and Triandafilou shared the opinion that if Europe wants to retain its identity and the established democratic order it should take measures to curtail the migration and settlement of Muslim populations.

Tags: SocietyRefugees and migrantsWar in SyriaIslamEuropean UnionMuslim communitiesMulticulturalismPluralismSoti TriandafilouAndreas Andrianopoulos
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