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Roma try to abduct an infant from a supermarket

09 November 2015 / 18:11:28  GRReporter
2219 reads

Panic occurred in a supermarket in Vari, in the region of Attica, when Roma tried to abduct a three-year old boy. In particular, as stated by the mother before ΑΝΤ1 TV, having entered the shop with her son, she let hold of his hand to take a shopping basket. Then a Roma woman grabbed the child by the hand and pulled him out. The little boy immediately started to shout and there was a commotion in the shop. The mother and the girl at the supermarket entrance managed to pull the child inside and the gypsy escaped.

The video surveillance equipment in the shop has recorded the attempted abduction of the child and the ensuing panic, and the videos are already in the police station. They show the perpetrators eventually leaving the boy and fleeing in a small van.

Motorized police officers have apprehended a 50-year-old Roma woman and pre-trial proceedings have been initiated against her on charges of attempted abduction of a minor. The mother has recognized her as the woman who tried to snatch away her child.

The detained gypsy has denied the allegations, claiming that she "made a mistake and thought he was her own child." The police are now searching for the persons who are considered her accomplices and who have been identified.

As stated by an experienced police officer, "usually we are reserved in such cases. The testimony of the witnesses, however, and the security cameras recordings leave no room for doubt."

President of the organization "The Smile of the Child" Kostas Giannopoulos and his assistant Mara Kondaksi noted before Agency 104,9 FM that the case was under investigation. "Fortunately, the child made a noise and the people around realized that something was happening, so that the perpetrators were not able to finish what they had started", added Mrs. Kondaksi.

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