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State television to be re-launched and all employees reinstated to work

27 February 2015 / 19:02:46  GRReporter
4329 reads

On 5 March the Greek government will submit to parliament a draft law on the establishment of the Greek state television ERT, which was closed by a decision of the previous government on 11 June 2013.

According to government sources, the law will not only restore the previous conditions of work, but will also remove all the corrupt practices of the past, "without interrupting the signal and without imposing the unacceptable legal originalities invented and implemented by the previous government."

The same sources indicate that all of the redundant employees of ERT who want to re-occupy their positions will be reinstated to work. According to them, the establishment of the state television will not burden the state budget in any way and therefore, it is not the subject of the ongoing negotiations with the lenders.

Earlier today, State Minister Nikos Pappas had stated that putting into operation the state TV in its previous form could require an increase in user fee, which is paid through electricity bills. "We will consider the possible options. I think that a small increase in the fee will cover all requirements."

Tags: Media newsDraft lawState televisionERTEmployees
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