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2016 - new discoveries, a changing political elite and a lot of optimism

31 December 2015 / 09:12:38  GRReporter
7624 reads

Expect the outcome of a long-term project, important relationships in your life will move to another stage and important life issues will be finally resolved.

Now I will give a brief description of how the coming 2016 will affect the different sectors in the zodiac, the most important and major topics that it will trigger, the type of events you can expect. Follow the monthly forecasts to find out which months will be more significant and important.

Find your date of birth in the descriptions below.

29 December - 9 January

A very serious year is in store for you that will bring more challenges and personal difficulties. Your personal world will be shaken, you will be affected as a person, personality, appearance and physical condition. Your professional field will be restructured, you may have busier months with regard to your personal effectiveness and productivity. The financial conditions will be quite dynamic until the middle of the year, bringing vitality and new opportunities. In your personal life, you will part with something but only to open a new page.

10 January - 22 January

A year is in store for you in which your social circle, friends and people you rely on for support will be more seriously shaken and which will bring tangible changes. This will be something like a dividing year with you living between past and present, and in the future. Your professional field will develop progressively, you will be on the rise and burdened with more tasks, activities and responsibilities. The financial conditions will ‘resuscitate' in the second half of the year and you will be given the opportunity to develop. In your private life, you will have more troubled times until spring, with possible upheaval after you have taken a different direction.

23 January - 4 February

The year will bring a great emphasis on your professional development, career or education if you are studying. It will also affect your relations with superiors, people who are reputable for you, such as bosses, superiors, your father. You may make important trips and connect with people from afar. The financial conditions will be quite dynamic, especially in the first half of the year you may spend more money, invest in some benefits or simply incur higher costs. In your private life, you are going to experience difficulties and constraints, but also to find security and stability.

5 February - 17 February

The year will bring a more significant focus on changing the course of your life in some way, dealing with some urgent change. Property issues, particularly associated with other people’s or joint property, inheritances will be affected too. Your professional field will be unstable in the first half of the year, with possible surprises or unexpected solutions. The financial conditions will be tense throughout the year, as there will always be issues to resolve and plans to follow. In your private life, expect a calm year and some relief in the second half.

18 February - 3 March

The year will be quite significant for issues associated with both personal and professional relationships and partnerships, all types of contracts (including a marriage settlement), transactions and agreements. The first half will charge you with a lot of energy and exuberance, you will build up a different personality, image but physical ailments will also be possible. More difficult months may occur in terms of friendships and your social circle. Your professional field will be calm, without major changes. The financial conditions will be favourable, with a possible termination/separation from some financial resources in the first half of the year.

4 March - 16 March

The year will bring more pressure to your daily round, with more issues to resolve, which will be associated with your everyday life and working conditions, tasks and responsibilities. There will be more routine things that will make it burdensome and tedious at times. It will be a little hard to take new steps, as you will be faced with obstacles. Your professional field will create difficulties but radical changes are unlikely to occur. The financial conditions will be tense too. Your private life will be full of dynamics and surprises in the first half of the year, but also with new opportunities.

17 March - 30 March

The year will direct your eyes to home, family, residence, children. You will aspire to achieve a significant stability and security, to ' lay the foundations' of your life and settle. The professional field will develop favourably, especially in the first half of the year when you will have the opportunity to join a new team, undertake additional activities and responsibilities. The financial conditions will be constrained and difficult. The year will be a little routine for your private life, but things will change and be revived in the end.

31 March - 12 April

The year will bring more difficult times to you, especially with regard to personal self-esteem, appearance, image. You will aspire to launch new projects and initiatives but you will be in a position to encounter restrictions. Your relations with brothers/sisters will bring serious challenges and the professional sphere some separation. You may think of a break and transition to new activities and pursuits. If you are studying, you may redirect your interests. The financial conditions will be favourable during the year, but if you have plans for investment and material possessions, it is not very appropriate for such. As for your private life, a more difficult year is in store for it.

13 April - 26 April

Tags: 2016 astro school Gali horoscope planets Solar eclipse Lunar eclipse
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