The year will bring more significant events to the financial field, as well as in connection with your plans for acquisitions and investments. You are about to encounter constraints and difficulties as you may deal with financial projects that are slightly beyond your abilities, which could bring a lot of chaos. Expect new developments in your professional field and good opportunities, which will affect your plans. In terms of your private life, the year will be more difficult, especially in the first half, with possible conflicts, competition or insurmountable problems.
30 August - 12 September
The year will be very important for you, mainly on the most personal level, in terms of appearance, self-esteem, image, physical condition. You will have a strong desire to become a different person with a different identity. Pay attention mostly to yourself. Your professional field will be accompanied by more difficulties and constraints, your relations with superiors will be difficult too. The financial conditions will be more active in the first half of the year but the conditions will be unstable and unsuitable for new ventures. If you have any such plans, postpone them for the second half. Expect new developments in your private life and new energy to infuse into your relationship.
13 September - 25 September
The year will fill you with new goals and intentions, driving you to look for new people and contacts, you will have the desire to change your social environment. Therefore, difficulties in friendships will be possible as well as disappointment with people on whom you have relied. Your professional field will be saturated with more routine staff, some relief will come. The financial conditions will be good and calm, and the end of the year will open up good opportunities for refreshment. Expect a little more difficult year in terms of your private life and possibly, more serious problems.
26 September - 9 October
The year will be particularly significant in relation to your professional development, career or education if you are studying. Your relations with superiors and authority figures will play a key role for your future. You may establish contacts with foreigners, which will be very substantial. The financial conditions will be more intense, you may face some difficulties in implementing the plans that you have made. Your costs will increase, especially in the first half of the year. Expect harsh conditions in your private life that will present you with restrictions and some stagnation. Your relationships with others will have a difficult year.
10 October - 22 October
The year will bring a more unexpected turn in life that you will not be able to avoid. It might be a fait accompli, with you having no choice or having to suddenly change almost all of your plans. Issues associated with someone else’s or joint property or with banks and loans will be affected too. Your professional field will be very active and unstable, especially in the first half of the year, you may think of a different development. In your private life, you will be under stress, which could affect your relationship.
23 October - 4 November
The year will actively direct you to personal and professional partnerships and relationships, all types of contracts (including a marriage settlement), transactions and agreements. Your relations with others will be particularly important. Your professional field will be in calm conditions and the end of the year will bring a chance for invigoration and progress. In terms of financial conditions, the first half of the year will take you away from some sources of income or you will simply give up some plans. The second half will be much more favourable, particularly with regard to some fruitful cooperation.
5 November - 18 November
The year will bring a more burdensome daily round, with more domestic issues to resolve, as well as in relation to working conditions, tasks and responsibilities, relationships with colleagues. There will be more routine stuff but taking new steps will be a little hard, as you will encounter some obstacles. It will be a test year for your stress endurance. Your opportunities for professional development will be slightly blocked, especially in the first half and will remain limited thought the year. The financial conditions will change a bit and some restrictions will be eliminated. In your private life, you will have troubled times, especially in the first half of the year.
19 November - 1 December
The year will be more significant for all issues related to home, family, residence, children. You will aspire to achieve more serious stability and security which you need to create better comfort in your life. Changing your residence will be quite possible too. The professional field will be favourable for development, although you may have personal difficulties in proving yourself and lack confidence. The financial field will be constrained and difficult, you will not be able to relax. As for your private life, the year will be calm, bringing a chance for revival and renewal.
2 December - 14 December