If you want to travel or move, to decide some matters related to real estate, be careful. On this day, any such action could bring instability over time. Legal problems, perishability, depreciation or need to do things again are also possible.
And finally I will also discuss the issue that probably many women are interested in - physical beauty, and all procedures associated with it. This is a very good day to take care of your appearance. Any change in the vision, physical appearance, the hair, the dress will bring a lot of admiration, charm and charisma. You will bring delight not only to your loved ones, but also to yourself. Moreover, the effect will be lasting.
Contrary to all the widespread superstitions, the day 29th of February 2012 will favour luck, the pursuit of happiness and good fortune, the acquisition of material wealth and satisfaction of all. The only shadow is associated with the subject of "love" - to be much loved, and you yourself to find it difficult to love, not to manage to find love in its full depth. But still do not forget that no matter how favorable, or otherwise, a day is for new initiatives and changes, it always "plays out" according to your individual horoscope.
The next article by Galy from the Astro school series will be coming on 3rd of March.