Minister of Development, Environment and Energy Panos Skourletis has announced his decision to withdraw the approval of the technical protocols of Skouries gold mine as the company Hellenic Gold has violated their terms. This means that the activities in Skouries will be suspended.
According to government sources, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras congratulated Minister Skourletis for his efforts.
"The decision of the Ministry of Development, Environment and Energy to suspend the activities of Skouries mine supports the struggle of local people against the economic, environmental and social crime that is taking place in the region", notes the press centre of SYRIZA.
Moreover, the party stresses that "a programme of social, economic and environmental recovery of the area should be developed in contrast to this devastating investment, which will create new jobs, including in the field of extraction and especially of reconstruction, and will respect the social needs, environmental protection and local production activities."
To recall that this April more than 7,500 miners working in Skouries expressed their support for the work in the mine by organizing a demonstration in Athens.