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After Bakoyanni, Vgenopoulos goes after Alogoskoufis

18 November 2009 / 10:11:46  GRReporter
3321 reads

Maria Spassova

Andreas Vgenopoulos defined as “criminal” the attitude of minister of national economy Giorgios Alogoskoufis towards the public finances and compared it to 10 thousand Vatopedi scandals and 50 thousand Siemens scandals. The “fault” of Alogoskoufis is that during the peak of the bank crisis last fall, he did not take the MIG president’s advice for the state to buy joint stocks and not to support the banks. This is what Switzerland had done with UBS bank and the US with 7 other banks. One year later, when the crisis was over, the state had sold the stocks and gained billions. According to Vgenopoulos the Greek state has lost an opportunity to gain €2.6 billion.

On a large-scale press conference MIG president Andreas Vgenopulos blamed on different occasions the ministries of transportation and health, the Civil aviation and of course his competitors – Aegean Airlines. The text of the press conference has been sent to the prosecutor’s office and an investigation had already started.

Occasion for the verbal outflow of Andreas Vgenopoulos, which continued more than an hour if you don’t count the Q&A of journalists, is last week’s tender for servicing 25 airplane destinations to the faraway Greek islands. “We separated the destinations to 16 hard and 9 extremely hard ones, from where hardly any profit can be made. We applied for the 16 destinations. Some of them can be profitable, other not but as a whole the profit of the first ones will cover the losses of the other ones,” explained Vgenopoulos. Even though Olympic Airlines offered to service those destinations with subsidies from the state, the Ministry of Transportation gave the destinations to two other airlines, which asked for subsidies of €2.2 million.

Representatives of the Greek Civil Aviation said that the reason to deny Olympic’s offer is because there was a condition to take all destinations or none. The MIG president blamed the current and previous governments in criminal negligence regarding the properties of the old Olympic company, which grow old in the storages. “It is about time to open Aegean Airlines’ records,” also wants Andreas Vgenopulos. He called the current deputy minister of transportation Nikos Sifounakis to remember how often he used to attack the former government for the illegal, according to him deals with Aegean Airlines and now when he is in power, he needs to put his words into actions.

Mr. Vgenopoulos is not happy with the Ministry of Health as well. His corporation wanted to donate special chemotherapy equipment to the children’s oncology department of Aglaya Kiriakou but because the hospital does not have radiologist or even radiology lab, it could not accept the donation. 

Tags: MIG Olympic Airlines Aegean Air
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