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Amidst the jungle of Christmas gifts

11 December 2015 / 16:12:49  GRReporter
6402 reads

December is the month of the biggest rush for Christmas and New Year gifts. Everyone has wondered what presents to give to the people around him or her. They say that the gift itself is not important, it is important to give it from the heart. Still we want to feel that the person who is receiving the gift is highly delighted by it.

Today’s article is about what gifts to give to relatives and friends, so that truly to delight them, to give them something that is valuable for them. Most astrologers would say that one would need to know the horoscope of the person in order to find the perfect gift for him or her. However, this is rarely possible and is not obligatory. One can understand this only from one’s own personal horoscope.

In the personal horoscope, the second house essentially means "personal resources". Everything through which we survive and thereby stay alive is personal resources. Firstly, these are food, clothing and belongings that are vital for us. Next is the money we accumulate in the form of financial resources to be able to provide ourselves with what we need, like and want to have. Therefore, the items and objects, which are valuable for us, even if not essential, also belong to this second house, because we would spend money on buying them. And if we receive them as a gift, we will be very happy that we have as a gift exactly what we want.

You can find out in your own horoscope what gifts to give to your parents, brothers or sisters, friends, children. Each house in the personal horoscope is associated with certain people in your life and if a house is considered initial, it will reveal a lot about them. The gifts for those people, what they would appreciate and value are defined by the second house considered for the particular person. The relevant gifts depend on the sign in which the house falls and on the planet that rules it.

To avoid making mistakes, here is what to consider in short:
The mother is defined by the fourth house, therefore the appropriate gifts are defined by the fifth house.
Brothers/sisters and very close friends are defined by the third house and the appropriate gifts for them by the fourth house.
Children are defined by the fifth house and the gifts suitable for them depend on the sixth house.
Partners are defined by the seventh house and the appropriate gifts for them by the eighth.
The father is defined by the tenth house and the appropriate gifts by the eleventh house.
For grandparents, you can use the information on parents.
I will now give information on what gifts to give to your most loved ones - parents, brothers or sisters, friends, children, intimate partners.

Tags: HoroscopeAstrologyHolidaysGifts
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