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Andreas Papandreou was convinced that his power was inheritable and Mitsotakis was not "above corruption"

28 March 2012 / 14:03:46  GRReporter
5557 reads

The British Foreign Office could not help but be influenced by the spicy details about the private life of Greek politicians. Particularly high-levelled were the diplomats dealing with the health condition and alcohol problems of Andreas Papandreou. Actually, it all started with the then Foreign Minister of Turkey. In a conversation with his British counterpart, he said, "Papandreou had and maybe still has a problem with alcohol. Two years ago, there were very persistent talks about the existence of such a problem. Recently, however, fewer things have been heard."

"It seems that Papandreou continues to enjoy whiskey and ouzo, but neither the ambassador nor anyone else has ever seen him drunk. The Greek Prime Minister tends to offer his visitors ouzo instead of coffee and he drinks together with them. It seems that he did the same during his brief meeting with the Turkish Ambassador to Athens, which was how the stories of Turkmen began. Of course, there are rumours about his ill health, indicating that he works very intensively. However, there are no visible signs of fatigue yet," reads the document.


Tags: PoliticsAndreas PapandreouKonstantinos MitsotakisBritish Foreign OfficeClassified documents
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