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Antonis Samaras’ fairy-tales factory @ Zappeio 3

23 April 2012 / 00:04:46  GRReporter
6604 reads

Zappeio Hall was packed with people wanting to hear the stories of Antonis Samaras. Familiar faces of weary foreign correspondents who have "already heard this speech," and some lesser-known new colleagues still filled with curiosity to know what exactly happens in the Greek political system. Greek journalists circling around New Democracy, who can smell the scent of power and begin to make their way to it. Businessmen with conservative beliefs such as Konstantinos Mihalos, president of the Athens Industry chamber. Former ministers such as Fanny Petralia and present ones such as the Defence Minister Dimitris Avramopoulos. Members of the European Parliament like George Koumoutsakos and the Vice President of the European Parliament Rodi Kratsa. "Do not think, my dear, that all who applaud him now will vote for him. Dimitris Avramopoulos will be the first to wrongfoot him," said to me an elderly Athenian - an ordinary voter, who just came to hear what Samaras had to say.

Tags: Antonis Samaras election campaign New Democracy Zappeio 3 economic crisis proposals
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