The Greek finance ministry has announced the conditions for the recapitalization of local banks and collapsed the Athens Stock Exchange on Monday. The Ministerial decision issued stipulates that banks must have a capital adequacy ratio (Core Tier 1) of 9%. 6 of the 9% required to achieve the required capital levels will come from the increase in the share capital of banks. It will involve 90% of the Greek Financial Stability Fund and 10% of private shareholders.
"Politicians would never reach the level of those who threaten to lynch and whose wish is that the deputes face special courts to avoid it," sociologist George Siakandaris said in a interview for Anastsia Balezdrova.
The self-government of the parliament provides its employees with special benefits not available to other public servants - the 15th and 16th wages, a double remuneration and special privileges
The government believes that Greece will receive the next instalment of 31.5 billion euro in December, and according to the Finance Minister, there is no reason for concern