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Archive - Dec 2012

December 26th

The Church to provide its land to the landless

26 December 2012 / 17:12:23  
"Let us support those in need," said Archbishop of Athens and All Greece Ieronymos

December 25th

The sudden falling in love of markets and bankers in Greece

25 December 2012 / 16:12:08  
Miracles happen around Christmas, apparently even for the problem-stricken Greek economy

December 24th

The Christmas of the hungry and homeless

24 December 2012 / 16:12:39  
More and more Greeks bend under the economic crisis

December 23rd

The nutritional benefits of the Christmas table

23 December 2012 / 19:12:24  
Besides pleasant, Christmas dinner can also be beneficial, offering a variety of remarkable healthy dishes

Huge amounts and glory were gambled and lost on the Grexit roulette

23 December 2012 / 19:12:09  
World famous financiers, speculators, investors, and major international banks predicted that Greece would exit the Eurozone in 2012. But they were disproved.

High collateral for loans to state-owned firms and organisations threatens public debt

23 December 2012 / 17:12:43  
The total amount of guarantees provided by the state to secure loans to unprofitable state-owned enterprises amounts to 85.04 billion euro, the biggest debtor is the State Railways OSE

December 21st

Independent Greeks respond to the scenarios for the collapse of the party with a founding congress

21 December 2012 / 21:12:33  
Panos Kamenos said Independent Greeks belong neither to the left nor to the right, but to Greece and called for the unification of "patriotic democratic forces."