Finance Minister Yiannis Stournaras has requested and received the resignation of the manager of a public company for violating the law for the obligatory cut of salaries.
They are the best carriers of the message to their countrymen not to blindly believe traffickers and not to go into the unknown, said the head of the Greek Mission to the International Organization for Migration Daniel Esdras.
He did not insist on any mitigating circumstances, but insisted that he was 19 not 21 years old and therefore, he was sent to a prison for juvenile delinquents.
The Municipality of Athens provided air-conditioned rooms for elderly citizens and troughs for stray dogs. Fires are raging in different parts of central and southern Greece and Mount Athos.
There are about 250 thousand Bulgarians in Greece according to unofficial data, said the new Ambassador of Bulgaria in Athens Emilia Kraleva in an interview with Maria S. Topalova.